山寨店太多 网红蛋糕鲍师傅起诉维权
中国日报网 2018-03-14 14:41
Master Bao, a Beijing-based pastry chain, filed cases against hundreds of shops across the country that are operating illegally under its brand. Courts in Beijing, Nanjing and Hangzhou have accepted the cases.
“山寨”一直是知识产权领域的一个顽疾,市场上卖的各种“山寨产品”可以用knockoff或者copycat表示,比如,that so-called new product was just a copycat of their rival’s latest product(那个所谓的新产品只不过是山寨了对手的新品而已)。
所以,这里的“鲍师傅山寨店”我们也可以用knockoffs of Master Bao pastry来表示。鲍师傅糕点创始人鲍才胜表示,目前他们公司在北京开设的鲍师傅门店只有14家,全国也才26家(there are only 26 authentic Master Bao outlets nationwide)。但是,仅北京地区山寨的鲍师傅就有200余家。
Copycat或knockoff指某个产品的“复制品”(an exact copy of another),从产品角度来说属于“假货”(counterfeit product)。
Pirated product指代的是真品,但不是经过合法渠道进入市场的,imports without necessary customs approval,也就是我们所说的“水货”。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)