中国日报网 2018-08-20 10:46
The guideline reiterates the country's target of lifting all rural poor and impoverished counties out of poverty and eliminating absolute poverty by 2020 to build a moderately prosperous society.
《意见》提出,到2020年,实现贫困地区基本公共服务主要领域指标接近全国平均水平。集中连片特困地区(contiguous poor areas)和革命老区(old revolutionary bases)、民族地区及边疆地区(ethnic minority and border areas)发展环境明显改善,深度贫困地区如期完成全面脱贫任务。
确保贫困人口不愁吃、不愁穿(poor population should be guaranteed food and clothing);
保障贫困家庭孩子接受九年义务教育(children from poor families should be guaranteed nine-year compulsory education),确保有学上、上得起学;
保障贫困人口基本医疗需求(basic medical needs of poor population should be guaranteed),确保大病和慢性病得到有效救治和保障;
保障贫困人口基本居住条件(basic living conditions of poor population should be guaranteed),确保住上安全住房。
《意见》明确,到2020年,巩固脱贫成果,通过发展生产(fostering distinctive industries)脱贫一批,易地搬迁(advancing relocation)脱贫一批,生态补偿(carrying out ecological restoration)脱贫一批,发展教育(strengthening education)脱贫一批,社会保障(improving social security)兜底一批,因地制宜综合施策(taking targeted and differentiated measures),确保现行标准下农村贫困人口实现脱贫,消除绝对贫困;确保贫困县全部摘帽,解决区域性整体贫困(alleviate regional poverty)。
精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation
强制式扶贫 compulsory poverty relief
脱贫 get out of poverty/get rid of poverty/be lifted out of poverty
贫困线 poverty threshold/poverty line/poverty limit
易地扶贫搬迁 relocating the poor
扶贫基金 poverty alleviation funds
开发式扶贫 development-orientated poverty reduction
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)