中国日报网 2018-11-30 13:20


中国国际进口博览会 China International Import Expo (CIIE)
中国国际进口博览会(China International Import Expo, CIIE)作为世界上第一个以进口为主题的国家级展会(the world's first import expo held at the national level),包括展会(exhibition)和论坛(forum)两个部分。展会即国家贸易投资综合展(exhibition of countries,简称国家展)和企业商业展(exhibition of businesses,简称企业展),论坛即虹桥国际经贸论坛(Hongqiao International Economic and Trade Forum)。

本届进口博览会以"新时代,共享未来(New Era, Shared Future)"为主题。共有172个国家、地区和国际组织参会,3600多家企业参展,展览总面积达30万平方米(with a total exhibition area of 300,000 square meters),超过40万名境内外采购商到会洽谈采购。
China announced Thursday it would exempt import tariffs for certain amounts of foreign goods at the first China International Import Expo (CIIE). During the expo taking place from Nov. 5 to 10, consumers can enjoy a 30-percent discount on these foreign products from their import value-added tax and consumption tax, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement on its website.
此次税收优惠政策(favorable tax policy)是作为支持首届进口博览会的一次性支持政策(one-time policy)。享受税收优惠政策的展品不包括国家禁止进口商品(prohibited imports)、濒危动植物及其产品(endangered animals, plants and their byproducts)、国家规定不予减免税的20种商品和汽车(autos and 20 other named products)。
Companies that are not on the list will also be eligible for favorable policies, but their sales that surpass $20,000 will not enjoy the tax reference.
财政部还在官网公布了首届进口博览会享受税收优惠政策的展品清单(list of goods eligible for the favorable policies),并规定列出的参展企业享受上述税收优惠政策的销售限额不超过列表额度。
行政区划 administrative division
The State Council, China's Cabinet, has issued a regulation on the management of administrative divisions, which will take effect on Jan 1, 2019.
An administrative division is the basic unit of administrative management, and the regulation is of great significance to the modernization of governance.
行政区划(administrative division)是国家为便于行政管理而分级划分的区域。因此,行政区划亦称行政区域。中国宪法规定,中华人民共和国的行政区域划分如下:
(一)全国分为省(provinces)、自治区(autonomous regions)、直辖市( centrally administered municipalities);
(二)省、自治区分为自治州(autonomous prefectures)、县(counties)、自治县(autonomous counties)、市(cities);
(三)县、自治县分为乡(townships)、民族乡(ethnic townships)、镇(towns)。
直辖市和较大的市分为区(districts)、县(counties)。自治州分为县(counties)、自治县(autonomous counties)、市(cities)。
香港和澳门是中国领土的一部分。中国政府已于1997年7月1日对香港恢复行使主权,成立了香港特别行政区(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)。于1999年12月20日对澳门恢复行使主权,成立了澳门特别行政区(Macao Special Administrative Region)。
《条例》规定,地方人民政府派出机关管辖范围的确定和变更等事项,由批准设立该派出机关的人民政府审批。市、市辖区的设立标准(adjustment of city-level divisions),报国务院批准;镇、街道的设立标准(adjustment of township-level divisions),报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,批准设立标准时,同时报送国务院备案(reported to the State Council)。
按照《条例》规定,有关地方人民政府应当自审批机关批准行政区划变更之日起12个月内完成变更(finish the adjustment within 12 months after approval);情况复杂的,经审批机关批准,可以延长6个月(with a six-month extension allowed in complex situations)。行政区划变更后,应当依法依规更新行政区划图、公布行政区划代码,有关地方人民政府应当向社会公告(make the adjustments public)。
《条例》还明确管理责任,违反条例规定,擅自变更行政区划的(adjust the administrative divisions without authorization),由上一级人民政府责令改正;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予处分。
人工智能主题公园 artificial intelligence (AI) theme park
China's first artificial intelligence (AI) theme park opened to public in early November, after 10 months renovation of a municipal park in northern Beijing.
作为百度与海淀区共同开发的“智能城市”建筑( "smart city" building)的成果之一,海淀公园(Haidian Park)近日宣布正式完成人工智能改造,成为首个人工智能主题公园(artificial intelligence theme park)。
据介绍,园内配有多种人工智能设备(AI devices),包括无人驾驶摆渡车、可记录锻炼数据的智能灯柱(smart lamp posts that can record exercise data)、能回应人类指令(human instructions)的智能扬声器(intelligent speakers)。
据工作人员介绍,海淀公园作为人工智能公园的首个试点(the first pilot of AI theme park),将继续磨合和改进,力争成为未来城市公园的“样板间”(sample of city parks in the future),让这些设备可复制到其他公园,服务市民(provide services to the public)。
世界互联网大会 World Internet Conference

With the theme of "Creating a Digital World for Mutual Trust and Collective Governance - Towards a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace", this year's event will host diversified activities and forums on various topics.
金融科技与信用社会建设(FinTech and Construction of a Social Credit System)
大数据时代的个人信息保护(Protection of Personal Information in the Age of Big Data)
工业互联网的创新与突破(Innovation & Breakthroughs in Industrial Internet)
网络反恐国际合作(International Cooperation in Countering Cyber-terrorism)
“互联网+公共服务”:效能、协同和创新(“Internet + Public Service”: Performance, Collaboration and Innovation)
物联网:连接无处不在(The Internet of Things: Towards a Connected World)
媒体变革与传播创新(Media Transformation and Communication Innovation)
人工智能:融合发展新机遇(AI: New Opportunity for Integration and Development)
金融资本与互联网技术创新(Financial Capital and Internet Technology Innovation)
据主办方介绍,本届大会基础保障与智能应用充分结合,将在景区内逐步实现无人驾驶观光车(driverless sightseeing bus)、VR/AR应用、公路无人驾驶等技术应用演示。大会正积极推动人脸识别(facial recognition)、人工智能(artificial intelligence)等智慧技术在嘉宾注册(guests registration)、会务服务(conference service)、信息发布(information release)等各环节的应用。