中国日报网 2019-04-19 16:15

The second Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation will be held in Beijing on April 25-27, Wang Yi said.

王毅表示,国家主席习近平将出席高峰论坛开幕式并发表主旨演讲(attend the opening ceremony and deliver a keynote speech),全程主持领导人圆桌峰会。会后,习近平主席将向中外媒体介绍峰会成果。
截至目前,37个国家的元首、政府首脑等领导人(leaders including heads of state and government from 37 countries)将出席论坛圆桌峰会(roundtable summit)。
"Over the past two years with concerted efforts, the Belt and Road is becoming a clean road for cooperation, prosperity, openness, green development and win-win outcome that will benefit people of all countries," he said.
Wang said that 126 countries and 29 international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China to jointly build the Belt and Road.
王毅指出,高峰论坛是“一带一路”框架下最高规格的国际合作平台(the highest level platform of international cooperation under the Belt and Road framework )。这次会议是中国今年最重要的主场外交,也是一次具有标志性意义的国际盛会。关于这次论坛,可以用五个词来概括:
一是方向明确。本届高峰论坛主题是:共建“一带一路”、开创美好未来(Belt and Road Cooperation, Shaping a Brighter Shared Future)。贯穿其中的主线就是推动共建“一带一路”实现高质量发展。
二是基础扎实。“一带一路”倡议提出6年来成绩斐然、硕果累累,已成为当今世界广泛参与的国际合作平台(a widely-participated platform of international cooperation)和普受欢迎的国际公共产品(a widely-welcomed public good for the global community)。
三是反响热烈。很多国家积极要求来华参会,来自150多个国家和90多个国际组织的近5000位外宾确认出席论坛,与会的外方代表涵盖了全球五大洲各个地区,涉及政府(governments)、民间组织(non-governmental organizations)、工商界(industry sector)、学术机构(academic institutions)等社会各界。
四是安排务实。在延续首届高峰论坛成功做法基础上,第二届高峰论坛对会议作出了创新安排,分论坛聚焦务实合作(sub-forums focusing on practical cooperation),数量扩大到12场,比首届增加一倍,还将首次举办企业家大会(a conference will be organized specifically for the business community for the first time),为各国工商界对接合作搭建平台。
五是成果可期。领导人圆桌峰会将发表一份联合公报(communique),展示各国领导人共建“一带一路”的政治共识(political consensus)。中方还将汇总发布论坛期间各方达成的具体成果,发布《共建“一带一路”倡议:进展、贡献与展望》报告。
“一带一路”倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
务实合作 practical cooperation
人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for humanity
政策沟通 policy coordination
设施联通 facilities connectivity
贸易畅通 unimpeded trade
资金融通 financial integration
民心相通 people-to-people bond
丝路精神 Silk Road spirit
共商共建共享 wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)