中国日报网 2019-05-01 09:10

亚马逊退出中国 Amazon exiting China
Amazon.com Inc plans to close its domestic marketplace business in China by mid-July, people familiar with the matter told Reuters on Wednesday, focusing efforts on its more lucrative businesses selling overseas goods and cloud services in the world's most populous country.
电商平台一般有自营(proprietary trading)和第三方卖家(the third-party sellers)两种基础销售方式。自营就是平台自己经营销售商品,第三方卖家则可以利用平台的服务自己开店。
而我们经常听到的直销(direct selling)指厂家直接销售商品和服务,直销者绕过传统批发商或零售渠道,直接向消费者推销产品的方式。
We are notifying sellers we will no longer operate a marketplace on Amazon.cn, and we will no longer be providing seller services on Amazon.cn effective July 18.
We are working closely with our sellers to ensure a smooth transition and will continue to deliver the best customer experience possible. Sellers interested in continuing to sell on Amazon outside of China are able to do so through Amazon Global Selling.
Users logging onto Amazon's Chinese site after July 18 will see products sold from its global store.
亚马逊中国的官网显示,目前亚马逊在中国布局的核心战略业务包括以亚马逊海外购(Global Store)和亚马逊全球开店(Global Selling)为中心的跨境电子商务(cross-border e-commerce),涵盖纸书、Kindle电子书阅读器和电子书的亚马逊阅读(Amazon Reading),亚马逊物流运营(Amazon Logistics)和亚马逊云计算服务(Amazon Web Services,AWS)。
Amazon expects to close fulfillment centers and wind down its support for domestic-selling merchants in China in the next 90 days, one of the people said.
Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, bought local Chinese online shopping website Joyo.com in 2004 for $75 million and rebranded it as Amazon China in 2011.
The company's China marketplace struggled to gain a foothold in the country's fiercely competitive e-commerce market.
Consumer insights firm iResearch Global said that Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's Tmall marketplace and JD.com held 81.9 percent of the Chinese market last year.
Amazon launched Amazon Prime in China, the first unlimited free cross-border shipping membership program globally in October 2016, in an attempt to lure the rising number of quality-conscious Chinese buyers to buy foreign products.
Over the past few years, we have been evolving our China online retail business to increasingly emphasize cross-border sales, and in return we've seen very strong response from Chinese customers.
It will retain its other operations in China, such as cloud computing services. It will also continue to sell its Kindle e-readers and content in the country.
Amazon's commitment to China remains strong. We have built a solid foundation here in a number of successful businesses and we will continue to invest and grow in China.
第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 the second Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation
The second Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation was held in Beijing on April 25-27, Wang Yi said.
国家主席习近平出席高峰论坛开幕式并发表主旨演讲(attend the opening ceremony and deliver a keynote speech),全程主持领导人圆桌峰会。会后,习近平主席向中外媒体介绍峰会成果。
37个国家的元首、政府首脑等领导人(leaders including heads of state and government from 37 countries)出席论坛圆桌峰会(roundtable summit)。
Over the past two years with concerted efforts, the Belt and Road is becoming a clean road for cooperation, prosperity, openness, green development and win-win outcome that will benefit people of all countries.
Wang said that 126 countries and 29 international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China to jointly build the Belt and Road.
王毅指出,高峰论坛是“一带一路”框架下最高规格的国际合作平台(the highest level platform of international cooperation under the Belt and Road framework )。这次会议是中国今年最重要的主场外交,也是一次具有标志性意义的国际盛会。关于这次论坛,可以用五个词来概括:
一是方向明确。本届高峰论坛主题是:共建“一带一路”、开创美好未来(Belt and Road Cooperation, Shaping a Brighter Shared Future)。贯穿其中的主线就是推动共建“一带一路”实现高质量发展。
二是基础扎实。“一带一路”倡议提出6年来成绩斐然、硕果累累,已成为当今世界广泛参与的国际合作平台(a widely-participated platform of international cooperation)和普受欢迎的国际公共产品(a widely-welcomed public good for the global community)。
三是反响热烈。很多国家积极要求来华参会,来自150多个国家和90多个国际组织的近5000位外宾确认出席论坛,与会的外方代表涵盖了全球五大洲各个地区,涉及政府(governments)、民间组织(non-governmental organizations)、工商界(industry sector)、学术机构(academic institutions)等社会各界。
四是安排务实。在延续首届高峰论坛成功做法基础上,第二届高峰论坛对会议作出了创新安排,分论坛聚焦务实合作(sub-forums focusing on practical cooperation),数量扩大到12场,比首届增加一倍,还将首次举办企业家大会(a conference will be organized specifically for the business community for the first time),为各国工商界对接合作搭建平台。
五是成果可期。领导人圆桌峰会将发表一份联合公报(communique),展示各国领导人共建“一带一路”的政治共识(political consensus)。中方还将汇总发布论坛期间各方达成的具体成果,发布《共建“一带一路”倡议:进展、贡献与展望》报告。
斯里兰卡爆炸 bombings in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is in shock after more than 200 people were killed in a wave of bomb blasts hit churches and luxury hotels on Easter Sunday.

A total of eight explosions had ripped through the country, with six blasts hitting in the morning and two in the afternoon, and the curfew was imposed from 6 pm Sunday to 6 am Monday, Xinhua News Agency reported.
Blast和explosion均表示“爆炸”,可以替换使用,不过blast除了表示“爆炸”以外,还可以表示“(爆炸产生的)冲击波;强劲的气流;一阵...”等,比如:a blast of freezing rain(一阵冷冷的冰雨),a blast of anger(一股怒气),feel the blast from several miles away(感受到了几英里之外的冲击波)。
The Sri Lankan government has also imposed a temporary ban on social media to prevent the spread of false information, Reuters reported.
Impose一般表示(政府或官方)推行、实行(某项政策),常用的搭配就是impose something on someone/something,比如上文中的impose a temporary ban on social media。如果看到某人impose oneself on others则表示“强行跟别人套近乎”。
In his message to Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Xi said that he was shocked to know the series of explosions in Sri Lanka, which have caused large casualties.
"I, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, as well as myself, send my deep condolences to the victims, and my sincere sympathy to the injured and families of the victims," he added.
The Chinese government and people will firmly stand by the people of Sri Lanka and firmly support the Sri Lankan government's effort to maintain national security and stability, Xi said.
A spokesperson for UN Secretary General António Guterres said he was "outraged" by the attacks, and expressed his hope the perpetrators would be "swiftly brought to justice".
UK PM Theresa May tweeted her condolences, saying the "acts of violence against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka are truly appalling".
US President Donald Trump offered condolences to the people of Sri Lanka and said the US stood “ready to help”
"Collectively we must find the will and the answers to end such violence," The leader of New Zealand,Jacinda Ardern, said.
海上阅兵 naval parade
General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, President and Central Military Commission Chairman Xi Jinping onboard the destroyer Xining gave an order to commence the naval parade on the sea off Qingdao at about 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.

这次海上阅兵,中方参阅舰艇和飞机包括航母(aircraft carrier)辽宁舰、新型核潜艇(latest nuclear submarines)、新型驱逐舰(latest destroyers)、战机(fighter jets)等,有些舰艇是第一次亮相。
Altogether 32 Chinese vessels took part in the event, the vessels sailed in six groups, namely, those of submarines, destroyers, frigates, landing ships, auxiliary ships, and aircraft carrier.
A total of 39 warplanes took part in the parade, the planes flew in 10 echelons, showcasing aircraft for early warning, reconnaissance, anti-submarine patrol, as well as bombers, fighters, carrier-based fighters, and carrier-based helicopters
除中方参阅兵力外,俄罗斯、泰国、越南、印度等13国海军18艘舰艇也参加了检阅活动,包括驱逐舰(destroyers)、护卫舰(frigates)、登陆舰(landing ships)等不同类型舰艇。
The foreign vessels in the waters off eastern China's coastal city of Qingdao saluted Xi, who was on board the destroyer Xining, in their traditional manners as they passed by.
The destroyer Xining sounded its horn to return the salute, and Xi waved to the naval officers and soldiers aboard the vessels.
互联网信息存储 web archiving
More than 210 million news stories published on Sina.com, the news portal operated by the parent company of Weibo Sina Corp, together with 200 billion public posts on Weibo, will be archived under a non-profit project by the national library, according to a statement on Weibo’s official account on government services.

Archive,读作 [?ɑrka?v],可作为动词或名词使用,表示“存档;档案文件,档案馆”,比如,to archive documents(文件存档);an archive of historical manuscripts(历史手稿档案馆)。这里提到的互联网信息存档可以直接用web archiving或者online data archiving表示。
据介绍,该项目旨在联合国内各信息保存机构,在全国范围内构建分级分布的中文网络信息资源采集与保存体系,保存互联网时代的国家记忆和数字遗产(to preserve national memory and digital heritage in the internet era)。
The project is established for the long-term development of national information security and the informatization of society.
根据相关规定,在信息数据保存方面,国家图书馆互联网信息战略保存基地将采取社会化保存模式,共建过程中信息数据仍由共建主体保存和管理(data collected from Weibo and Sina.com will be stored and managed on company servers),共建主体需确保其提供的信息数据完整、有效、安全(the company needs to make sure that data collected are complete, valid and secure),并拥有合法所有权(legal ownership)、知识产权(intellectual property right)或已获得相应授权(acquired authorization)。
国家图书馆将根据基地保存规范、数据遴选机制和服务需要提供使用需求,适时将部分基地数据纳入国家文献信息战略保存体系,并与共建主体联合开展数据分析,服务于政策决策、学术研究等非商业用途(jointly analyze the data for policymaking and academic purposes)。
Archiving online data has become an increasingly popular means of recording the cultural and intellectual legacy of the modern digital world. Countries like the UK and the Netherlands have established their own institutes dedicated to digital preservation. In France and Germany, national libraries play the role of preserver.
In 2003, an organization called the International Internet Preservation Consortium, or IIPC, was established to oversee the collection, preservation, and sharing of “knowledge from the global web.” Today, its members hail from 45 countries.
The National Library of China joined the IIPC in 2007 and has been archiving over 20,000 government websites since then, as well as information about events such as the SARS epidemic in 2003, the Great Wenchuan Earthquake of 2008, and the Beijing Olympics the same year.