中国日报网 2019-02-01 10:16


网页版QQ WebQQ
Tencent QQ, one of China's most influential messaging and social networking softwares, waved goodbye to its byproduct WebQQ on January 1, 2019 due to internal business restructuring.
网页版QQ在2009年9月上线,是腾讯推出的使用网页方式上QQ的服务(QQ login service in a browser window),特点是无需下载和安装QQ软件,只要能打开WebQQ的网站就可以登录QQ与好友保持联系。
之后,网页版QQ又升级为Smart QQ,电子宠物(digital pets)、游戏中心(game center)以及音乐在线播放(music streaming)等功能都从网页版中去除,只保留基本的即时信息服务(instant messaging)。
雄安新区总体规划 master plan for Xiongan New Area

The 2018-2035 master plan for Xiongan New Area is significant to build Xiongan into the national model of high-quality development and a new engine for the modern economic system, said the approval released on Wednesday.
The master plan is the fundamental guideline for the development, construction and management of the Xiongan New Area and should be strictly implemented, according to the approval.
批复对紧扣雄安新区战略定位(strategic position)、有序承接北京非首都功能疏解(undertake the noncapital functions of Beijing)、优化国土空间开发保护格局(optimize the framework of territorial space development and protection)、打造优美自然生态环境(create an inviting, ecologically healthy environment)、推进城乡融合发展(integrated urban and rural development)、塑造新区风貌特色(landscape with Chinese style)、打造宜居宜业环境(an ideal area for living and working)、构建现代综合交通体系(a modern and comprehensive public traffic system)、建设绿色低碳之城(a green and low-carbon city)、建设国际一流的创新型城市(a world-class innovative city)、创建数字智能之城(a digital and smart city)、确保城市安全运行等提出指导性意见。
月球背面 the far side of the moon

The Chang'e 4 lunar probe landed at 10:26 on the Von Karman crater in the South Pole-Aitken basin and then sent back a picture of the landing site shot by one of the monitor cameras on the probe's lander, marking the world's first image taken on the moon's far side.
至此,嫦娥四号任务实现了人类探测器首次月背软着陆(soft landing on the moon's far side)、首次月背与地球的中继通信(relay communication),开启了人类月球探测新篇章(new chapter in lunar exploration)。
月球背面(the far side of the moon)从来没有面对过地球,原因在于“潮汐锁定”(tidal locking)现象,就是潮汐力(tidal force)对月球自转的减速作用,使得月球总是以同一面朝向着地球。
月球背面电磁环境(electromagnetic environment)非常干净,是天文学家梦寐以求开展低频射电研究(low frequency radio study)的场所。在此开展低频射电天文观测可以填补射电天文领域在低频观测段的空白。
海南自由贸易账户 Hainan free trade account
The Hainan free trade account system dispenses with the earlier requirement of maintaining two accounts, one for domestic transactions and the other for international transactions, replacing them with a unified domestic and foreign currency account with the renminbi as the base currency.
海南自由贸易账户(Hainan free trade account)是指海南省金融机构根据客户需要在分账核算单元开立的规则统一的本外币账户,按照“一线便利,二线管理”的原则规范账户收支管理,是一套以人民币为本位币(renminbi as its base currency)、账户规则统一(using unified accounting rules)、兼顾本外币风险差别管理(taking into account types of different risk management between the renminbi and foreign currencies)的本外币可兑换账户体系(a convertible accounting system),是海南自由贸易试验区的重要金融基础设施。
The Hainan free trade account system allows market entities to conveniently carry out investment, financing, and cross-border transactions applicable to the Hainan free trade zone.
海南自由贸易账户体系建设,是海南确定的自贸区(港)建设十二个先导性项目之一(one of the 12 pilot programs)。账户正式上线运行对于促进市场主体贸易投融资汇兑便利化(facilitating trade investment and financing)、提升海南自由贸易试验区(港)营商环境(improve business environment in Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone)具有重要意义。
出境税 sayonara tax
Starting next week, all travellers, regardless of nationality, leaving Japan will be required to pay a "sayonara tax" of 1,000 yen, Japanese media reported.
据《日本经济新闻》报道,"出境税(departure tax, sayonara tax)"原则上由离开日本时乘坐的飞机或船舶的运营公司代收。航空和船舶公司将在票价上增加国际观光旅客税。除未满2岁的旅客(passengers below the age of two)以及在24小时内出境的过境旅客(transit passengers leaving Japan within 24 hours)外,每位离境旅客都须通过机票或船票(air or boat tickets)缴纳税金1000日元。
报道称,日本政府预计,新政将在2019年度带来500亿日元税收,这笔税金将用于进一步提振旅游业(bolster tourism),增加访日外国游客人数(accommodate more foreign visitors to the country)。具体来说,这笔钱将用于完善旅游环境,宣传日本魅力、提高出入境审查速度等方面。近年来访日外国游客人数屡创新高,其中中国游客是数量最多、消费最多的群体之一。