中国日报网 2019-02-01 10:16

红包大战 red envelopes battle
During Chinese New Year, money is put inside red envelopes which are then handed out to younger generations by their parents, grandparents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends.
At some companies, workers may also receive a year-end cash bonus tucked inside a red envelope. Red envelopes are also popular gifts for birthdays and weddings.

For technology companies, this has been an annual battlefield to entice users to stay glued to their respective services through financial incentives and promotional offers enclosed in virtual red envelopes.
From Jan 25 to Feb 4, an augmented reality-powered game allows people to collect virtual red envelopes by scanning the Chinese character fu, which symbolizes fortune and luck in Chinese and is commonplace ahead of the Chinese New Year.
It also ties into a series of events that promotes Alipay's array of services, from ecological protection scheme Ant Forest to Huabei, a consumer credit service.
Those who have gathered five fu representing different blessings stand to equally split the cash prize, plus extra offerings including paid trips to Europe for football matches and a full-year reimbursement of all loans incurred on Huabei.
Search engine Baidu Inc entered the fray this year by allocating up to 1 billion yuan of digital cash to be disbursed in the lead-up to the Year of the Pig.
The free money is deposited directly in the recipients' accounts with the app operator. The recipient can use the digital cash for future purchases via the app or resend it as a gift to friends and relatives who are using the same app, thus maximizing the level of participation for existing users and drawing in new customers.
Under a promotional campaign that ends on Feb 4, participants who download and use China UnionPay's QuickPass app to scan objects bearing the company logo are eligible for cash prizes of up to 2,019 yuan.
The promotion will also include other cash gifts if people sign onto the app on a daily basis, recommend new users and transfer funds via the tool.
无废城市 zero-waste city
According to the document, a zero-waste city refers to an advanced urban development and management model that aims to promote green lifestyles, minimize the amount of waste produced, strengthen recycling programs and ensure that waste released into the environment is harmless.
在全国范围内选择10个左右有条件、有基础、规模适当的城市,在全市域范围内开展“无废城市”建设试点。综合考虑不同地域、不同发展水平及产业特点、地方政府积极性等因素,优先选取国家生态文明试验区(national ecological civilization pilot zone)省份具备条件的城市、循环经济示范城市(national demonstration city for the circular economy)、工业资源综合利用示范基地(demonstration base for comprehensive utilization of industrial resources)、已开展或正在开展各类固体废物回收利用无害化处置试点并取得积极成效的城市。
到2020年,系统构建“无废城市”建设指标体系(an index system for zero-waste cities),探索建立“无废城市”建设综合管理制度和技术体系(an institutional and technical system for the management of no-waste cities),试点城市在固体废物重点领域和关键环节取得明显进展,大宗工业固体废物贮存处置总量趋零增长(with almost zero growth of industrial waste storage)、主要农业废弃物全量利用(full use of agricultural waste)、生活垃圾减量化资源化水平全面提升(a decrease in waste generation and an increase in its utilization)、危险废物全面安全管控(hazardous waste will be well-controlled),非法转移倾倒固体废物事件零发生(no more waste will be dumped illegally),培育一批固体废物资源化利用骨干企业(a group of backbone waste recycling enterprises will be established)。
通过在试点城市深化固体废物综合管理改革,总结试点经验做法,形成一批可复制、可推广的“无废城市”建设示范模式(a model of no-waste cities that is replicable and applicable),为推动建设“无废社会”奠定良好基础。
英国电信 British Telecom
BT Group has secured nationwide licences in China, becoming the first foreign telecommunication company to do so in the Asian economy. The two "value added licenses" will allow the UK telco to directly contract and bill customers in the Chinese market.
英国电信获得的两个“增值业务牌照(value added licenses)”分别为全国性国内IP-VPN牌照(nationwide Domestic IP-VPN license,虚拟专用网)、全国性互联网服务提供商牌照(Internet Service Provider license)。
这两个“牌照”将允许英电通讯信息咨询(上海)有限责任公司直接与其在中国国内的全球客户签订合约,并以人民币收费(enable BT customers in China to be billed in local currency)。
英国电信全球服务部首席执行官巴斯·伯格(Bas Burger)表示:
Being able to service and bill locally significantly simplifies the process of delivering connectivity and other communication services. It is what our customers expect from us and we are very grateful for the opportunity to do this as of today.
英国国际贸易大臣利亚姆·福克斯(UK's International Trade Secretary Liam Fox)也指出,此次英国电信获得牌照得益于中国政府与英国政府的紧密合作(the close cooperation between the UK and Chinese governments helped secure the licences for BT),使得该公司能够在中国全国范围开展业务。
中国信息通信研究院发布的《外商投资电信企业发展态势(2018年度)》报告显示,目前,我国外商投资经营电信业务主要集中在增值电信业务(value added telecom services)领域。截至2018年底,获得批准的外商投资电信企业共121家,同比增长39%。其中工业和信息化部颁发许可证的86家。
上述报告同时指出,从许可数量上看,在线数据处理与交易处理业务(data online trading and processing business)位居首位,信息服务业务(information services)居第二位,国内呼叫中心业务(domestic call center)仍居第三位,该三项业务许可数量占全部业务许可颁发数量的81%。
租对象服务 partner-renting services
In recent years, renting fake girlfriends or boyfriends to travel home with during the Spring Festival holiday — the Chinese celebration of the Lunar New Year — has grown in popularity. Businesses may charge meager fees or princely sums in exchange for temporary partners intended to appease parents impatiently waiting for their unwed children to settle down.

据《新京报》报道,网络租友(online partner-renting)的起源,最早能查到的是2008年,一名叫“陈潇”的女孩出租自己的闲暇时间(rent out her spare time),此后,越来越多的人有了租友的需求。2011年有一些商家通过电商平台提供租友服务(partner-renting services),以便“在过年时期应付家庭长辈的检查”。此后,一些租友网站和App租友平台也随之诞生。
不过,这种新兴业务也引发了不少人对相应平台管理方面的担忧。比如,平台管理混乱,有些平台根本不提供相应的中介服务,纯粹是打着租友的招牌骗会员费(swindle membership fees out of users);又比如,用户的注册信息也存在极高的泄露风险(highly susceptible to information breach)。
此外,围绕租友的一些诈骗行为(fraud)和非法色情交易(sexual services),几乎都是在钻管理上的漏洞。有用户为租来的对象购买了机票并支付定金(advance payment)以后,对方失联。还有色情犯罪团伙直接利用租友平台招嫖(solicit prostitution)。
从法律上讲,租友实质上是一种劳务雇佣关系(employment relationship),而不是租赁关系。但是因租男女朋友这种人身属性比较特殊,容易违反公序良俗。
Han Xiao, a lawyer at Beijing Kangda Law Firm, said that despite their inherent pitfalls, partner-renting services don’t necessarily violate the law. However, he said people should be aware of the gray areas involved in such contracts. “For example, if two people have agreed to have sex in exchange for money during a designated period, then that constitutes prostitution, and is illegal.”
科创板 science and technology innovation board
The science and technology innovation board will focus on companies in high-tech and strategically emerging sectors such as new generation information technology, advanced equipment, new materials, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection and biomedicine, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) said in a statement.
《实施意见》明确,在科创板试点注册制(registration-based IPO mechanism),合理制定科创板股票发行条件(IPO qualifications)和更加全面深入精准的信息披露规则体系(comprehensive and explicit framework of rules for information disclosure)。上交所负责科创板发行上市审核(IPO screening),证监会负责科创板股票发行注册(IPO registration)。证监会将加强对上交所审核工作的监督,并强化新股发行上市事前事中事后全过程监管(end-to-end supervision)。
《实施意见》指出,科创板根据板块定位和科创企业特点,设置多元包容的上市条件,允许符合科创板定位、尚未盈利(pre-revenue companies)或存在累计未弥补亏损的企业(companies with uncovered deficit)在科创板上市,允许符合相关要求的特殊股权结构企业(companies of special shareholding structure)和红筹企业(red chip enterprises)在科创板上市。
适当放宽涨跌幅限制。将科创板股票的涨跌幅限制放宽至20%(allow shares to rise or fall by a maximum of 20% on any single trading day),新股上市后的前5个交易日不设涨跌幅限制(no cap for rising and falling in the first 5 trading days after IPO)。
申请权限开通前20个交易日证券账户及资金账户内的资产日均不低于人民币50万元(at least 500,000 yuan in investment capital for 20 trading days before the investment)(不包括该投资者通过融资融券融入的资金和证券);
参与证券交易24个月以上(24 months of equity trading experience)。
科创公司触及终止上市(termination of listing)标准的,股票直接终止上市,不再适用暂停上市(suspend listing)、恢复上市(resume listing)、重新上市(relisting)程序,上市公司股票被终止上市的,不得申请重新上市。
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)