中国日报网 2019-02-01 10:16

贝佐斯离婚 Jeff Bezos' divorce
Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, has announced his divorce from MacKenzie, his wife of 25 years.

贝佐斯和麦肯齐在1993年结婚,婚后一年在西雅图的车库里创建了亚马逊。9日,贝佐斯在推特中宣布了离婚的消息(break the news of the split in a tweet),并附有两人的签名。现年55岁的贝佐斯的个人财富已达1370亿美元。就在离婚消息宣布的前两日,亚马逊成为全球市值最高的公司,股票市值高达7970亿美元(Amazon rose to become the world's most valuable company with a stock market value of $797 billion)。
贝佐斯在推文中说,在经历了长时间的爱情旅程和临时分居之后,两人决定离婚(they had decided to split up after a long period of loving exploration and trial separation)。两人育有三子一女。贝索斯称,他们还是"一个家庭,一对好友"(remain a family and cherished friends)。
如果两人平分财产(split their assets equally),麦肯齐将分得共同财富(combined fortune)的一半,即685亿美元。贝佐斯将不再享有世界首富的头衔,而麦肯齐将在一夜之间成为全球最富有的女性(become the richest woman in the world overnight)。目前,全球最富有的女性是欧莱雅集团的继承人(heiress of the L’Oréal empire)弗朗索瓦丝·贝当古·梅耶。
有着25年婚姻的两人为何突然宣布离婚?外媒爆料称,贝佐斯或婚内出轨,恋上已婚女主播(be having an affair with a married TV anchor)。据福克斯新闻报道,贝佐斯与好莱坞人才大亨(Hollywood talent mogul)帕特里克·怀特塞尔的妻子、电视主持人劳伦·桑切斯有着"秘密"关系("secret" relationship)。外界认为,贝佐斯本周突然发布离婚声明是因为他知道自己和桑切斯的情事将很快曝光(become public)。
危害公共安全 endangering public security
According to the guide, passengers who grab devices such as steering wheel or gear shift lever, and conduct actions that hamper safe driving such as beating or dragging drivers should be punished for crime of endangering public security with dangerous method. The passengers should not be granted probation even if the actions did not result in grave consequences. If passengers attack drivers with instruments, they should be given severe punishment.
乘客针对其他人员实施寻衅滋事行为(causing disturbances),妨害交通运营秩序、影响行车安全的,根据具体情况分别适用寻衅滋事罪或者以危险方法危害公共安全罪定罪处罚(crime of endangering public security with dangerous method)。
《意见》强调,以暴力、威胁方法阻碍国家机关工作人员依法处置妨害安全驾驶违法犯罪行为、维护公共交通秩序的,以妨害公务罪定罪处罚(crime of endangering public affairs);暴力袭击正在依法执行职务的人民警察的,从重处罚。
For drivers who are unable to resolve disputes with passengers in a sensible way and leave their post to clash with passengers, they should be punished for crime of endangering public security with dangerous method.
此外,为鼓励公共交通工具的乘务人员和乘客与妨害安全驾驶违法犯罪行为作斗争(stand up against criminal offenses),及时制止侵害驾驶人和乘客的行为,采取紧急措施避免严重危害后果发生(stop actions that could cause serious consequences),《意见》还就正当防卫(justifiable defense)、紧急避险(emergency measures)作出了原则规定。
嫦娥五号 Chang'e 5 probe
首次实现月球背面着陆与巡视勘察(landing and detection on the far side of the Moon);
首次实现月球背面与地球的中继测控通信(relay and telemetry, track and command between the far side of the Moon and the Earth);
首次实现在月球背面着陆器和月球轨道微卫星的甚低频科学探测(ultra-low frequency scientific exploration by the lander on the far side of the Moon and the lunar-orbiting micro-satellite),运载火箭多窗口、窄宽度发射和入轨精度达到国际先进水平;
首次进行了超地月距离的激光测距技术试验(laser-ranging technology experiment beyond the Earth-Moon distance);
首次在月面开展生物科普展示(biological science demonstration on the lunar surface);
首次开展国际合作载荷搭载和联合探测(international payloads cooperation and joint exploration)。
China plans to send its Chang'e 5 probe to the moon around the end of the year and bring lunar samples back to Earth, Wu said.
China follows its three-step objectives for lunar exploration, namely "orbiting, landing and sample returning", and the last objective will be realized by Chang'e-5 bringing back samples.
随着今年年底嫦娥五号到月球正面取样回来,后续探月工程(lunar exploration program)还将完成三项任务包括:嫦娥六号、嫦娥七号和嫦娥八号。
嫦娥六号计划在月球南极进行采样返回(sample on the south pole of the Moon);
嫦娥七号计划在月球南极综合探测(conduct a comprehensive exploration on the south pole of the Moon),包括对月球的地形地貌(topography)、物质成分(material composition)、空间(spatial environment)进行一次综合探测;
嫦娥八号计划进行更多关键技术的月面试验(carry out further scientific exploration experiments and test some key technologies on the Moon),包括要不要在月球建立科研基地或科研站、月面如何进行3D打印、能否利用月壤建造房屋等,为共同构建月球科研基地进行探索。
2020年,我国将首次发射火星探测器(first Mars exploration mission)。
中国英语能力等级 China's Standards of English Language Ability
中国教育部考试中心与英国文化教育协会15日在京联合发布雅思、普思考试与中国英语能力等级量表对接研究结果(the results of their collaborative research on linking IELTS and Aptis to China's Standards of English Language Ability),标志着中国英语语言能力标准与国际考试接轨,中英在教育领域的合作进入新阶段。

The results display the cut scores of IELTS and Aptis tests mapped to CSE levels, according to a statement issued by the MOE National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA) and the British Council.
According to the results, a score of 5 in IELTS listening is equivalent to CSE level 4, a score of 5.5 in IELTS reading is equivalent to CSE level 5, while a score of 45 in Aptis writing is equivalent to CSE level 6.
Yu Han, vice president of NEEA, said the research displayed the CSE's value in practice and would shed light on language learning patterns of English learners in different areas, adding that it also contributed to the "opening up" of China's education.
Barry O'Sullivan, the research's academic team leader from the British side and head of Assessment Research and Development at the British Council, noted that both IELTS and Aptis were communication-based tests, making it possible to link the two tests to the use-oriented CSE scale.
此次对接研究的英方学术负责人、英国文化教育协会测评研发中心主任巴里·奥沙利文(Barry O’Sullivan)表示,雅思及普思考试都是强调沟通为本的英语考试,而中国英语能力等级量表同样也以语言运用为导向,使得此次对接得以实现。
He said the linking results would be of value to policy makers at educational institutions, test-takers as well as test users such as schools and employers.
2.5天周末 2.5-day weekend
A proposed 2.5-day weekend has been highlighted in an action plan for Hebei province as the potential key to boosting consumption, with plans also in place to promote more paid-leave and off-peak vacations.
The document, which was aimed at increasing consumption during 2019 and 2020, said employers should adopt more flexible working hours and encourage leave on non-public holidays.
这里所谓的“2.5天周末/2.5天小长假(2.5-day weekend)”指的是“周五下午+周末两天”的周末延长模式(extended weekend)。2015年国务院办公厅下发的《关于进一步促进旅游投资和消费的若干意见(Several Decisions on Further Promoting Tourism-related Investment and Consumption)》,便提出了带薪休假(paid leave)、错峰休假(leave on non-public holidays/off-peak vacations)、为职工周五下午与周末结合外出休闲度假创造有利条件等举措。
“As new technologies emerge to improve work efficiency, it’s possible to shorten people’s working hours, but a flexible scheme should be more based on the negotiation between the employer and employee,” Yao Xianguo, head of the Public Policy Research Institute of Zhejiang University, said.