中国日报网 2019-04-01 09:00


两会 two sessions
关键词:文化自信 cultural confidence
Writers, artists and theorists should strengthen cultural confidence, serve the people with fine works, and guide the public with high moral standards.
A country, or a nation, cannot be devoid of soul. The mission of workers in culture, literature, art and philosophy and social sciences is to nurture the root and soul of the nation.
Cultural, literary and artistic workers should participate in practices, carefully observe people's lives and express people's aspirations.
The people should be provided with quality products, all valuable and meaningful literary and artistic works and academic research should reflect reality and be conducive to solving real problems and answering real questions.
All practitioners in culture, literature, art, philosophy and social sciences shoulder the important tasks of enlightening thoughts, nurturing sentiments and warming hearts. They should set an example for society with lofty aspirations, good morals and noble sentiments.
关键词:生态文明 ecological civilization
Building Inner Mongolia into an important shield for ecological security in northern China is a strategic position set with full consideration of the country's overall development and a major responsibility the region must shoulder.
Fundamentally speaking, environmental protection and economic development are closely integrated and complement each other.
In the Chinese economy's transition from the phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development, pollution control and environmental governance are two major tasks that must be accomplished.
The country should explore a new path of high-quality development that prioritizes ecology and highlights green development.
关键词:脱贫攻坚 fight against poverty
We need perseverance in the fight against poverty as there are only two years left for the country to meet its goal of eradicating extreme poverty by 2020. There should be no retreat until a complete victory is won.
The practices of formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucratism hamper the effective advancement of poverty reduction. We should keep a firm hand in rectifying malpractices in poverty relief.
More efforts are needed to redress undesirable conduct of officials in a timely manner, as well as special campaigns to target corruption and bad conduct in poverty reduction.
关键词:乡村振兴战略 rural revitalization strategy
Efforts should be made to promote the supply-side structural reform in the agricultural sector to achieve food security while building a modern and efficient agriculture.
Measures should be taken to promote two-way flow and equal exchange of factors, including human resources, lands and capital, between urban and rural areas.
Implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and seeking progress in work related with agriculture, rural areas and farmers should be taken into consideration and promoted in the overall economic and social development.
关键词:创新发展 innovative development
China should seek momentum from reform and opening up, unleash to the maximum the whole society's power for innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity, and keep improving the country's influence and competitiveness in a world that is undergoing profound changes.
We should create favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and young people, and establish an acceleration mechanism for high-tech companies.
The government should help private companies achieve innovative development and build up a team of entrepreneurs with a pioneering spirit, forward-looking vision and global insight with respect to market competition.
Fujian must leverage the combined strengths of the special economic zone, pilot free trade zone, comprehensive experimental zone and the core zone of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and keep exploring new approaches.
The two sides of the Taiwan Strait should enhance economic and trade cooperation, infrastructure connectivity, energy and resource exchanges, and shared industry standards.
关键词:军队建设 military development
The entire armed forces must clearly understand the importance and urgency of implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan for military development, firm up their resolve, intensify the sense of mission, forge ahead with a pioneering spirit, and go all out to carry out the plan so as to ensure that the set targets and tasks are fulfilled as scheduled.
The whole army should adhere to the guidance of the thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, fully implement the Party's thinking on strengthening the military for the new era and the military strategy for new conditions, concentrate on war preparedness, and intensify reform and innovation.
Focusing on the overall layout of the plan, the military should give prominence to key projects including urgent necessities for military preparedness, crucial support for combat systems, and coordinated projects for the reform of national defense and armed forces.
The formulation of the 14th Five-Year Plan for military development should serve the demands of the national development, security and military strategies, and should take into account both the actual condition and long-term development needs.
外商投资法 foreign investment law
The foreign investment law, once adopted, will become a new and fundamental law for China's foreign investment, says the explanation delivered by Wang Chen, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, to deputies attending an NPC plenary session.
外商投资(foreign investment)即外国的自然人、企业或者其他组织直接或者间接在中国境内进行的投资活动(investment activities directly or indirectly conducted by foreign natural persons, enterprises and other organizations),包括以下四类具体情形:
一是外国投资者单独或者与其他投资者共同在中国境内设立外商投资企业(a foreign investor establishes a foreign-funded enterprise independently or together with any other investor);
二是外国投资者取得中国境内企业的股份、股权、财产份额或者其他类似权益(a foreign investor acquires shares, equities, property shares or any other similar rights and interests of an enterprise within the territory of China);
三是外国投资者单独或者与其他投资者共同在中国境内投资新建项目(a foreign investor invests in any new construction project independently or together with any other investor);
四是法律、行政法规或者国务院规定的其他方式的投资(investments stipulated in laws, administrative regulations, or defined by the State Council)。
The foreign investment law is a comprehensive and fundamental set of legal standards for foreign investment activities in China under new circumstances, and shall play a leading role as an overarching law in this field.
It is a full testament to China's determination and confidence in opening wider to the outside world and promoting foreign investment in the new era.
The state shall guarantee that foreign-invested enterprises are able to participate in standard-setting work on an equal footing in accordance with law, and mandatory state standards shall apply equally to them, according to the document.
The state shall guarantee that foreign-invested enterprises can take part in government procurement activities through fair competition in accordance with law, and government procurement shall afford, in accordance with law, equal treatment to products of foreign-invested enterprises produced in China, it says.
The conditions for technological cooperation in an investment project shall be negotiated in a fair and equal manner and agreed upon by all parties to the investment, and government bodies and their employees shall be prohibited from using administrative measures to force technology transfer.
Sectors not on the entry negative list for foreign investment will be managed in accordance with the principle of equal treatment for domestic and foreign capital.
Competent authorities shall review foreign investors' license applications with the same conditions and procedures as those for domestic investors, unless otherwise stipulated in other laws or administrative regulations, according to the document.
The draft also makes it clear that the state shall manage foreign investment according to the system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list.
准入前国民待遇(pre-establishment national treatment),是指在投资准入阶段给予外国投资者及其投资不低于本国投资者及其投资的待遇。
负面清单(negative list),是指国家规定在特定领域对外商投资实施的准入特别管理措施。
现代化都市圈 modern metropolitan area
The National Development and Reform Commission recently issued guidelines on cultivating and developing modern metropolitan areas, with the aim of building mature modern metropolitan areas with international influence by 2035.

城市群(city cluster)是新型城镇化主体形态(a main part of the new type of urbanization),是支撑全国经济增长、促进区域协调发展、参与国际竞争合作的重要平台(the important platform for supporting national economic growth, promoting regional coordinated development and participating in international competition and cooperation)。
都市圈(metropolitan area)是城市群内部以超大特大城市或辐射带动功能强的大城市为中心、以1小时通勤圈为基本范围的城镇化空间形态(the urban spatial form comprising a one-hour commuting circle centered on a megacity within a city cluster)。
《意见》认为,都市圈既能优化人口和经济格局(optimize population and economic landscape),又有利于激活有效投资和潜在消费需求(boost effective investment and potential consumption demand),增强内生动力。
《意见》明确,在有条件地区编制都市圈轨道交通规划(rail transportation plan in metropolitan areas),推动干线铁路、城际铁路、市域(郊)铁路、城市轨道交通“四网融合”(an integrated network of mainline railways, intercity railways, urban/suburban railways and urban railway transit projects)。
此外,《意见》还支持毗邻城市(镇)开行城际公交,加快推动近郊班线公交化,并要求加快推进都市圈内城市间公交一卡互通(one pass for all public transport services in metropolitan areas)、票制资费标准一致(unified ticket policies for public transport services)。
《意见》在促进人口要素向都市圈流动方面也提出了举措,明确要放开放宽除个别超大城市外的城市落户限制(relax restrictions on household registration in non-megacities)。
《意见》要求促进优质公共资源共享(encourage sharing of quality public resources),支持有条件的中小学和三级医院推进集团化办学办医,支持中心城市三级医院异地设置分支机构。