中国日报网 2019-04-01 09:00

禁售燃油车 ban the sale of gasoline-fueled automobiles
China's southern island province of Hainan will ban the sale of gasoline-fueled automobiles by 2030, in a bid to safeguard its environment and develop a modern economy, the provincial government said on Tuesday.

According to the Hainan New Energy Vehicles Development Plan, Hainan will speed up the promotion of clean energy vehicles, and has set specific targets and outlined a road map, becoming the first province to unveil such a timeline.
清洁能源汽车(clean energy vehicles),又称为新能源汽车(new energy vehicles,NEV),是以清洁燃料取代传统汽油的环保型汽车的统称,具有能耗低(low energy consumption)、污染物排放少(low pollutant emission)等特点。新能源汽车包括纯电动汽车(battery electric vehicles ,简称BEV),混合动力汽车(hybrid electric vehicles,简称HEV),氢发动机汽车(hydrogen-powered vehicles),以及燃料电池电动汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)等类型。
力争通过3-5年时间,建成覆盖全省、满足各类型清洁能源汽车应用基本需求的充电网络(more electric charging networks will be built in the next three to five years to meet the needs of clean energy vehicles)。
到2020年,包括政府公务用车和公交车在内的所有公共领域新增和置换车辆全部使用清洁能源(all vehicles added or replaced in the public service sector, including government vehicles and buses, will use clean energy)。
增加私家车清洁能源化比例(a greater proportion of newly licensed private passenger cars will be new energy vehicles),每年递增10%,到2025年,清洁能源车比例达到80%。到2030年,全省禁售燃油车。
加快研究清洁能源物流车、出租车(含巡游出租车和网约出租车)、公交车、班线车、旅游车、货运车等运营补贴政策(subsidy policy for clean energy logistic vehicles, taxis, buses, urban-rural passenger buses, tourist buses and freight vehicles),助推营运车辆清洁能源化。
四是构建清洁能源车辆为载体的绿色、智慧交通体系(green intelligent transport system)。
鼓励绿色出行(green commuting)促进清洁能源汽车应用,探索绿色出行减碳积分机制(point collection system for carbon emission reduction)。
在汽车行业外商投资准入(foreign investment accessibility)、新建项目审批(new project approval)、兼并重组(merger and reorganization)、金融贸易(finance and trade)、商业模式(business model)等领域,实行更大力度的全面深化改革和对外开放。
推动清洁能源示范省建设,创新打造清洁能源汽车、绿色交通和智慧能源联动范例(example of linking clean energy vehicles, green transport and intelligent energy in a network),实现能源供应全生命周期清洁化。
不动产登记 immovable property registration
China will simplify the process of and reduce the time required for immovable property registration to better serve individuals and businesses, according to a circular issued by the State Council.

不动产(immovable property)是一个法律上的名词,其实即是物业(real estate),它包括土地及其上之房屋等不可移动、可以有固定地址的建筑物。
与之相对的动产(movables)指所有可移动之物(an article capable of being moved without injury),有形或无形,现有的或未来获取得的,均可,包括设备(devices)、存货(inventory)、农产品(agricultural produce)、不动产附着物(an article of personal property not attached to land)、物权凭证(document of title)等。
通知提出,2019年底前,流程精简优化到位,全国所有市县一般登记(general registration)、抵押登记(mortgage registration)业务办理时间力争分别压缩至10个、5个工作日以内;2020年底前,力争全部压缩至5个工作日以内。
一是推动信息共享集成。建立部门间信息共享集成机制(establish a mechanism for information sharing among governmental departments),打破“信息孤岛(information silos)”。
推行“互联网+不动产登记(Internet Plus Immovable Property Registration)”,建立不动产“网上(掌上)登记中心”,构建“外网申请、内网审核”模式,实现服务企业和群众零距离。
二是推动流程集成。通过信息化手段整合集成业务流程(process integration),在政务服务大厅或不动产登记大厅设立综合受理窗口,统一受理各相关办理事项,实现信息化技术支撑的“一窗受理、并行办理(single-window inter-agency services)”。
三是推动人员集成。不能马上实现信息共享集成和流程集成的,可通过集中办公(service integration)实现便民快捷。
基层减负 reduce burdens on community-level officials
The Communist Party of China Central Committee is requiring that more efforts be made to solve problems arising from the practice of formalities for formalities' sake to reduce burdens on community-level officials.
这里的“基层”除了用community-level以外,也可以用grassroots-level表示。有些英文表达中使用primary-level来表示“基层”,不是很准确。Primary指“基层”时特指医疗卫生领域,仅用于primary care的语境(如primary care provider),不能扩大到任何行业的基层工作者,也就不能用来指“基层干部”。
一是层层大幅度精简文件和会议(the number of official documents and meetings should be drastically cut down by authorities of various levels);
二是明确中央印发的政策性文件原则上不超过10页(policy documents issued by the central government should be no more than 10 pages),地方和部门也要按此从严掌握;
三是提出地方各级、基层单位贯彻落实中央和上级文件,可结合实际制定务实管用的举措(practical measures should be taken to carry out the central leadership's instructions),除有明确规定外,不再制定贯彻落实意见和实施细则;
四是强调少开会、开短会(the number and length of meetings should be cut reduced),开管用的会,对防止层层开会作出规定。
针对有的地方和部门搞“责任甩锅”,把问责作为推卸责任的“挡箭牌”,《通知》要求严格控制“一票否决”事项(proceedings under the veto clause should be limited),不能动辄签“责任状”。
《通知》还要求对涉及城市评选评比表彰的各类创建活动(role model selecting campaigns)进行集中清理,优化改进各种督查检查考核和调研活动,不干扰基层正常工作。
罪错未成年人 juvenile delinquencies
China will continue to strengthen its juvenile justice system, classify juvenile delinquencies on different levels and form a joint force with society to better protect the underage and prevent juvenile crimes, said Tong Jianming, deputy procurator-general, on Tuesday.
Chinese prosecutors will clarify offense levels in crimes committed by juveniles to properly align punishments with the severity of the criminal acts, the nation's top prosecuting authority said on Tuesday.
The work plan of the Supreme People's Procuratorate for 2018-22, which it posted on its website, also vowed to take innovative steps to prevent such crimes.
The plan said the levels of offenses by juveniles will be classified, and offenders will be punished in line with the prescribed levels.
童建明表示,中国有3亿多未成年人,加强对未成年人的司法保护工作,关乎亿万家庭幸福。过去一年,检察机关把未成年人司法保护工作摆到了更加突出位置(have made juvenile protection a priority)。
In October, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued a proposal to the Ministry of Education, suggesting the ministry reinforce the management of school safety and formulate more concrete measures to prevent sexual assault against students.
"For their judicial protection, we should focus on educating them first with punishment as a supporting approach," he said, adding that they should be tolerated but not spoilt, strictly disciplined but treated with deep love.
英语中关于“青少年犯罪”有一个固定的说法juvenile delinquency/juvenile offending,juvenile指“未成年、青少年”,也可以形容某人“孩子气的、幼稚的”。Delinquency这个词指“违法行为”,尤指青少年的违法行为,实施违法行为的青少年就可以称为delinquent。
夸夸群 praising groups
Kuakuaqun, or praising groups, on WeChat, where members shower you with over-the-top compliments and positive messages are gaining popularity among college students in China.

Praise和compliment都有“赞扬、表扬”的意思,经常可以互相替换使用,在具体用法上稍有区别。Praise可以用于对某人的成就、行为、性格等方面表示的赞许,比如:Good job at your competition就属于praise。Compliment在夸奖时多侧重某个具体方面,比如:Your hair looks nice today就是一句compliment,有时我们也翻译为“恭维”。
Some college students in praising groups said that the fad’s latest incarnation is about more than just vanity — it’s also an outlet for users to practice kindness and support each other.
Chen Kan, an associate professor in Fudan University’s psychology department, said that the praising chat groups have gone viral because they “meet a lot of psychological needs” for students seeking company, self-confidence, or flattery.
Users can purchase memberships to such groups on e-commerce platforms like Taobao for anywhere from 0.6 yuan to 188 yuan. Once admitted, members can receive flattering comments from each other and even request to be complimented on specific things.
Chen also warned that anyone giving or receiving praise in such groups should be cautious. “The biggest risk is the constant emphasis on the ‘false self,’ [which] makes it harder to see the ‘true self,’” she said.