每日新闻播报(May 13)
chinadaily.com.cn 2019-05-13 15:17

>5G signal could jam satellites
The introduction of 5G mobile phone networks could seriously affect weather forecasters' ability to predict major storms.
That is the stark warning of meteorologists around the world, who say the next-generation wireless system now being rolled out across the globe is likely to disrupt the delicate satellite instruments they use to monitor changes in the atmosphere.
The problem is that some 5G phone networks may transmit near a frequency similar to that emitted by water vapor, and so would produce a signal that looks very like its presence in the atmosphere, said Niels Bormann, from the Reading weather centre.
"We would not be able to tell the difference and so would have to discard that data," added Bormann. The result will be impaired forecasts, poorer warnings about major storms, and loss of life.

>Breakfast reduces heart woes
Skipping breakfast could raise your risk of heart disease by 87%, according to a new study.
Researchers at the University of Iowa analyzed 18 years of data on 6,550 people over 40 who had no history of heart disease and found a clear link between breakfast habits and heart disease risk.
The team pointed to a few factors which could underlie this connection.
First, those who don't eat breakfast may be more likely to snack unhealthily.
Second, breakfast may help to balance blood sugar levels and control blood pressure.
The findings, published on the "American College of Cardiology", come days after a similar study showed people who skip breakfast and eat a late dinner are less likely to survive a heart attack.

>Li nominated academician
Baidu CEO Robin Li Yanhong's recent nomination for China's highest academic title in engineering has triggered heated debate, with some netizens claiming Li was unqualified because of his search engine's insufficient regulation of fraudulent medical advertising.
Li was nominated to become a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) by the China Association for Science and Technology mainly for his contribution to China's search engine technology, financial news outlet Yicai reported.
A netizen who goes by the alias Dahanchengxiang strongly opposed Li's nomination shortly after the announcement, saying in an article that Li was morally unqualified because of Baidu's insufficient regulation of advertising.
The article went viral on social media but was removed over complaints of libel by Baidu.
Some netizens in an anonymous WeChat poll opposed Li's nomination.
The CAE said it makes the shortlist public to solicit public opinion but that it is not the final result, which comes after further review and evaluation.

>Post-00s adding value to QQ
QQ users born in and after 2000 comprise 50% of those who use the value-added services provided on the social media platform, according to a report released by internet giant Tencent Holdings.
Among these post-2000 QQ users enjoying the value-added services, 71% are male and only 29% are female, according to the report.
Chongqing municipality has the most post-2000 QQ users, followed by Shenzhen, Chengdu and Guangzhou.
The top three ways for them to add new friends are through QQ groups, search functions and the Qzone.
Their favorite function is "haoyoudongtai", which has the latest information on friends, and their three most preferred emojis are kiss, grin and rage.
The three pop stars post-2000 users talk most about are Zhu Yilong, Yi Yangqianxi, and Wang Yuan.
Whether it's Monday to Friday or the weekend, most post-2000 users become active between 4 pm and 6 pm, a period when they leave school or finish homework.
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