每日新闻播报(July 17)
chinadaily.com.cn 2019-07-17 16:23

>Face of UK's new £50 note
Bank of England (BoE) announced on Monday that British mathematician Alan Turing will appear on the new 50-pound banknote. BoE noted that the new 50-pound note will celebrate Turing and his pioneering work with computers.
Turing provided the theoretical underpinnings for the modern computer and is also known for his work devising code-breaking machines during WWII.
"As the father of computer science and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as war hero, Alan Turing's contributions were far ranging and path breaking.
Turing is a giant on whose shoulders so many now stand," said BoE Governor Mark Carney. The new 50-pound note was expected to enter circulation by the end of 2021.

>Seniors become couriers
As Uber looks to expand its food courier service in Japan, a country with a tight labor market, the rideshare giant has faced road blocks rarely seen on the home soil of the US. But putting grandma and grandpa in running shoes seems to make sense.
Uber Chief Executive Dara Khosrowshahi said his company's food delivery in Japan, where rideshare is banned, has taken an alternative route to delivering food.
With a growing demand for food delivery, more of the elderly population has applied to become couriers.
In Japan, the majority of current food deliverers bring the product via scooter or bicycle, but the elderly prefer to do it by foot.
"This is one area unique to Japan, and we are looking if we can expand to the rest of the world," said Khosrowshahi.

>Applications to UK univs soar
The number of students from China applying to British universities has outstripped those from Northern Ireland for the first time.
The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) revealed on Thursday it had received almost 20,000 undergraduate applications from students in China this year (19,760, up from 15,240 in 2018), compared with 18,520 from Northern Ireland.
The real figure will be higher as not all Chinese applications are made via UCAS.
The number of students from the Chinese mainland studying in UK higher education has more than doubled in the last decade.
China is already the biggest source of international students at British universities. In 2007-2008, there were 43,530 Chinese students in the UK, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency.
Ten years later the total went up to 106,530, of which 60,460 were postgraduate students and 46,070 undergraduates.

>737MAX grounding continues
Grounded Boeing 737 MAX planes won't return to service until sometime in 2020 as it will take time to fix flight-control software and complete other work, government and industry officials have said.
政府和业内官员称,由于遭停飞的波音737 MAX机型仍需时间维修飞行控制软件及完成其他工作,该机型在2020年前复飞无望。
The aircraft is currently expected to return to the air in January 2020, according to some US Federal Aviation Administration officials and industry leaders.
American Airlines have already extended its ban on Boeing 737 MAX flights through Nov 2, the company said Sunday in a statement, right after United Airlines announced its decision to keep Boeing 737 MAX flights out of schedule until Nov 3.
14日,美国航空公司在一份声明中称,已将波音737 MAX机型的停飞时间延至11月2日。此前,美联航宣布将波音737 MAX机型的停飞时间延至11月3日。
The Boeing 737 MAX has been grounded across the world since March this year after two of its models crashed in two separate deadly disasters in Indonesia and Ethiopia last October and this March, with a total of 346 killed.
去年10月和今年3月,印度尼西亚和埃塞俄比亚各发生一起波音737 MAX坠机事件,共导致346人遇难。自今年3月以来,该机型在全球被停飞。
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