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Millions of old gadgets 'stockpiled in drawers' 上千万件电子产品 “被堆放在抽屉里”


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一项研究估计,在英国家庭中,共堆积了多达四千万件不再被使用的旧电子产品。而且每一件产品中都含有多种珍贵且日益 “濒危” 的元素。

The Royal Society of Chemistry’s survey of more than 2,000 people revealed that almost half have between two and five old gadgets in their homes and most people have no plans to recycle them.

英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)对两千多人进行的一项调查显示,近一半的人家中有两到五件旧电子设备,而且绝大多数人不打算对这些设备进行回收再利用。

This means an estimated 40 million old devices, most containing elements the Earth is simply running out of, could be languishing in cupboards and drawers.


The mines for elements such as indium, for example, which is used to make touch screens, will be exhausted within a century.


Meanwhile, demand for more advanced personal devices continues to increase. So scientists say recycling our old tech is the only sustainable solution.



gadgets 电子产品,电子设备
estimated 估算的
devices 设备
elements 元素
languishing 报废
mines 矿
indium (元素)铟
touch screens 触屏
exhausted 枯竭的,耗尽的
advanced 先进的
tech 科技产品
sustainable 可持续的


1. True or false? Most people surveyed are planning to recycle their old gadgets.

2. According to the text, when will the mines for elements such as indium be exhausted?

3. According to scientists, what is the sustainable solution to the shortage of elements used in gadgets and the increase in demand for advanced personal devices?

4. Which word in the text is used to mean ‘the need for a certain product or commodity to be supplied’?


1. True or false? Most people surveyed are planning to recycle their old gadgets.
False. Most people who took part in the survey have no plans to recycle their old gadgets.

2. According to the text, when will the mines for elements such as indium be exhausted?
According to the text, the mines for elements such as indium, which is used to make touch screens, will be exhausted within a century.

3. According to scientists, what is the sustainable solution to the shortage of elements used in gadgets and the increase in demand for advanced personal devices?
According to scientists, recycling our old tech is the only sustainable solution.

4. Which word in the text is used to mean ‘the need for a certain product or commodity to be supplied’?




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