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Mapping the dead 为海格特公墓绘制电子地图




Mapping the dead 为海格特公墓绘制电子地图


有关 “burial(埋葬)” 的词汇


How fast does Pete's laser backpack take measurements?


Resting place to hundreds of historical figures, Highgate Cemetery is known all over the world - but not everyone here is famous.


Amongst this growing sea of ivy are thousands of headstones - some that haven't been seen in years. For many, this is what makes Highgate beautiful. But finding relatives' graves here can be tricky.


Well, today some of them are being rediscovered through a process of careful clearing, which tries to keep the character of the cemetery. The ivy has been removed from some of these headstones - not only to protect them from decay - but also to allow them to be mapped digitally for the first time.


This is Pete. His backpack uses lasers, which can't be seen, to take three hundred thousand measurements a second. It also has five cameras taking pictures constantly. The information is uploaded online, and eventually a digital map comes to life.


Tim Viney, Chairman, Atlantic Geomatics
Highgate is, as you can see, is a pretty tough location. From a mapping perspective, vegetation can be our biggest nightmare. There are paths - but there are also areas that are very difficult to access – so we have to be very careful from a health and safety perspective.

蒂姆·瓦伊尼              Atlantic Geomatics 公司主席

Over the last year, Tim and his team have now mapped more than half the cemetery. And already – the new system is helping.


Ian Dungavell , CEO, Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust
It's wonderful that new technology can enable us to do this in a way that just isn't possible with old paper records.

伊恩·邓加维尔             海格特公墓信托之友首席执行官

Over the next year – there will be more mapping and only the most essential plant clearing, meaning more of this incredible part of London is accessible for generations to come.



resting place 安息处

headstones 墓碑

grave 坟墓,埋葬处

decay 腐蚀,腐朽

cemetery 公墓,墓地


It takes three hundred thousand measurements a second.



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