中国日报网 2020-09-01 14:18


海底高铁隧道 undersea high-speed railway tunnel
The technical proposal for the Ningbo-Zhoushan Railway, China's first high-speed rail with an undersea segment connecting the Zhoushan Islands in East China's Zhejiang province with the mainland, has been completed, the local Ningbo Evening News reported on Saturday.
高铁是high-speed railway,而海底高铁隧道就是undersea high-speed railway tunnel。由于这条海底高铁隧道是甬舟铁路(Ningbo-Zhoushan railway)的一部分,所以翻译成high-speed rail with an undersea segment。
7月30日,历经2年多,由铁四院勘察设计的“隧道风险评估与金塘海底隧道关键技术方案”,通过了以中国工程院院士钱七虎为组长的专家组评审(passed assessment from a panel of experts headed by Qian Qihu),标志着这条世界最长海底高铁隧道(world's longest undersea high-speed railway tunnel)的技术方案已准备就绪。
作为甬舟铁路工程的一部分,金塘海底隧道全长16.2公里,海底盾构段长10.87公里,最大埋深78米,直径14米(at a maximum optimal depth of 78 meters with a diameter of 14 meters, the undersea tunnel's shield will reach 10.87 kilometers in length upon completion),是国内首条海底高铁隧道,建成后将成为世界最长海底高铁隧道。甬舟铁路全长77公里,设计时速250公里,主体工程采用桥+隧组合,被誉为“铁路版港珠澳大桥”。宁波北仑至金塘岛,设计为海底隧道;金塘岛至舟山岛,设计为主跨1488米的特大桥。
港珠澳大桥越海隧道全长6.7公里,属沉管公路隧道(submerged highway tunnel/immersed tunnel for road traffic),而金塘隧道是高铁盾构隧道(high speed shield railway tunnel),16.2公里占全线五分之一里程,都将沉在东海,技术难度极大。
甬舟铁路建成后,将结束舟山群岛不通火车的历史,届时从宁波到舟山只要30分钟,从杭州至舟山只需80分钟(it will shorten travel time between Ningbo to Zhoushan to 30 minutes and to one hour and 20 minutes between Hangzhou to Zhoushan)。专家表示,该项目的建设,将使我国隧道、桥梁设计水平提升到一个新高度。
直播带货 livestream marketing
A regulation on managing livestreaming hosts of different levels and classifications is being drafted in China as a move to improve the cultural taste of online content and keep the development of the industry in order, the Cyberspace Administration said on its official website Tuesday.
现在很火的网络直播的英文表达就是livestreaming,主播就是livestreaming host,直播带货就是sell products through livestreaming platforms,而限时秒杀的表达则是time-limited sec-killing。
国家网信办负责人表示,将研究制定主播账号分级分类管理规范(regulation on managing livestreaming hosts of different levels and classifications),明确直播行业打赏行为管理规则(clarify how to give tips to livestreaming hosts),将内容供给导向、打赏金额标准、主播带货资格与直播账号分级分类紧密关联(how many tips a livestreaming host can be given and who is allowed to sell products through livestreaming platforms will also be regulated, depending on the host's level and classification),建构激励高质量信息内容供给的直播账号信用评价体系(credit evaluation system for livestreaming accounts)。
国家网信办负责人介绍,专项整治开展两个月来,各部门依法处置158款违法违规直播平台(illegal livestreaming platforms),挂牌督办38起涉直播重点案件。督促平台清理有害账号及信息(clear up harmful accounts and information),封禁一批违法违规网络主播(ban streamers violating laws and regulations),明确直播打赏作为平台和主播履行服务合同的法律性质,规范管理工作稳步推进。
宿舍型公租房 dormitory-style public rental housing
Dormitory-style housing will be provided for migrant workers in Shanghai by the end of this year, according to Wang Zhen, director of the Shanghai Housing Administration Bureau.
宿舍型公租房的英语表达就是dormitory-style public rental housing,是将普通公租房拆套后提供合租(flatsharing)的房源,目的是解决环卫工人、公交司机、家政服务人员、快递小哥等基础服务行业人群的住房问题。
At least one public rental housing neighborhood in each district will provide dormitory-style accommodations for a minimum of 200 migrant workers in this pilot project, according to Wang Zhen.
Some 177,000 apartments have been provided in the public rental housing neighborhoods throughout Shanghai, with nearly 627,000 individuals and families benefiting from the service by the end of May.
It is estimated that at least 5,000 migrant workers who work in these key public service areas will be accommodated in this housing by the end of the year, a rise of more than 60 percent from the previous year.
上海市房管局还鼓励用人单位尽责,通过补贴部分租金(pay part of employees' public rental housing bills)等方式,进一步减轻入住职工租金负担。
放宽新能源汽车限购 relax curbs on new energy vehicle purchases
In the second half of 2020, the country will take key measures, such as relaxing curbs on new energy vehicle purchases, to spur domestic consumption, Ning Jizhe, vice-minister of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in an interview with China Central Television.
放宽新能源汽车限购的英文表达是relax curbs on new energy vehicle purchases,限购就是curb the purchase或purchase restrictions。实行汽车限购政策的地区每年将设定汽车购买配额(vehicle purchase quotas),通过车牌摇号(a lottery for license plates)来分发配额。
下半年,我国将加快推动智慧零售(smart retail)、在线教育(online education)等新型消费高质量发展,推动汽车和家电消费转型升级,鼓励限购城市适当增加汽车购置限额(encourage cities that have restrictions on car purchases to increase the number of car registrations as appropriate),放宽新能源汽车限购,对购置新能源汽车等给予适当补贴(offer subsidies for the purchase of new energy vehicles)。
"In the second half of this year, China will further improve the environment for private investment and adopt more supportive policies to encourage private sector engagement in epidemic response, public health, logistics, emergency stockpiles and other weak links. More efforts are also needed to facilitate bank lending for the private sector," Ning said.
Ning said the country will push ahead with major investment in new infrastructure, new-type urbanization and key projects for national development such as transport and water infrastructure, and focus on weak links in fields such as public health, emergency medical supplies, transportation and energy.
“夜游长城”night tours of the Badaling Great Wall
A two-month-long Great Wall cultural festival opened in Beijing Saturday, which allows tourists to visit the Badaling section of the ancient wall on weekend nights.
据介绍,八达岭长城“夜游长城”(night tours of the Badaling Great Wall)旅游项目是京范儿(FUN)消费季重要组成部分,旨在推动北京消费季夜间经济(nighttime economy)发展,丰富长城文化带建设内容。文化节期间,该活动每周五、周六将定期面向公众开放,开放时间为7时30分至9时30分。中秋节、国庆节还将单独开放。
An evening gala of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a cultural fair on Chinese traditional costumes and online lectures including one about cultural heritage protection that is co-organized by the Hadrian's Wall of Britain, are also scheduled during the festival.
长城于1987年被列入联合国教科文组织《世界遗产名录》(UNESCO World Heritage Site),成为我国第一批成功入选的世界遗产。长城北京段(Beijing sections of the Great Wall)全长520公里,八达岭长城是游客到访最多的一段。
为了控制游客数量,八达岭长城景区管理部门从2019年6月1日起实行全网络实名制售票( real-name online ticketing ),每日游客总量控制在6.5万人次。
制裁美方人员 sanctions against US officials
China on Monday announced sanctions against 11 US officials with egregious records on Hong Kong affairs, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian at a press briefing. According to Zhao, China's decision stems from the wrongdoings of the US side. The sanctions, effective from Monday, are applied to US officials, including Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton and Pat Toomey, Representative Chris Smith, and Carl Gershman, President of the National Endowment for Democracy, Derek Mitchell, President of the National Democratic Institute, Daniel Twining, President of the International Republican Institute, Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, and Michael J. Abramowitz, President of Freedom House.
这里的egregious是一个意思表达很强烈的形容词,读音是[ɪˈgri:dʒiəs],多表示“极其恶劣的,极坏的”等意思,比如,an egregious lie(弥天大谎),egregious violation of rules(严重违反规定), egregious acts of brutality(极其野蛮的行为)等。
Since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, "one country, two systems" has enormous success. Hong Kong residents enjoy unprecedented democracy and rights and freedoms in all accordance with law. This is an objective fact no unbiased people will deny. In the meantime, there are new risks and challenges in the implementation of "one country, two systems", the most prominent of which is heightened national security risk.
When national security in Hong Kong is undermined and confronted with real threats and the SAR government had difficulty in completing national security legislation on its own, the central government took decisive measures to establish and improve at the state level a legal system and enforcement mechanisms to safeguard the Hong Kong SAR's national security. The Law on Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong targets a small number of criminals who gravely jeopardize national security and protects the law-abiding Hong Kong residents, who represent the vast majority.
Hong Kong is part of China and its affairs are entirely China's internal affairs which allow no foreign interfere. We urge the US to grasp the situation, correct its mistake, and immediately stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs.
环比 month on month
In June, China's civil aviation industry handled an average of 10,820 flights daily, up 14.1 percent from that in May, statistics from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) showed. In July, the industry handled a total of 370,000 flights, or an average of 11,941 flights daily. More than 36.99 million air passenger trips were made in July, a rise of 20.35 percent from June.
在一些统计类的报道中,我们经常会看到“环比”、“同比”这样的表述,这两种比较方式的区别在于:环比,就是跟上一个周期比;同比,就是跟去年同期比。比如,上面的报道中,6月的日均航班量跟5月的日均航班量相比,就是“环比”,除了报道中的表述方式以外,我们还可以用形容词形式month-on-month或者副词形式的month on month来表示,那么上文的句子就可以改写为“In June, China's civil aviation industry handled an average of 10,820 flights daily, an increase of 14.1 percent month-on-month (up 14.1 percent month on month)”。
如果用今年5月的数据跟去年5月的数据相比就是“同比”,英文用形容词year-on-year或者副词短语year on year表示,比如:There were 2.95 million delivery staff at Meituan Dianping at the end of June, an increase of 16.4 percent year-on-year(今年6月底,美团点评共有外卖人员295万,同比增加了16.4%)。In July, the share price has grown 20% year on year.(7月份,股票价格同比上涨了20%)。
Continuous efforts should be made in response to the epidemic situation in the coming autumn-winter season to prevent a resurgence of the epidemic, the CAAC said.
The CAAC will strictly enforce the reward and suspension mechanism and adjust flights in a scientific manner to prevent imported cases through the civil aviation sector.
最强降雨 the heaviest downpour
Beijing experienced the heaviest downpour since the start of this year's flood season on Wednesday evening after a day of on-again, off-again downpours that saw flights canceled, parks closed, homestay hotels shut and city workers on standby for floods and other emergencies.
这里的on-again, off-again是一个形容词短语,表示“时断时续的”,比如: on-again, off-again relationship(分分合合的恋情),on-again, off-again fads(起起伏伏的时尚潮流)等。
针对此次强降雨过程,8月11日至12日,北京六预警齐发(issue six alerts),先后发布了暴雨黄色(后升级橙色)、地质灾害(geological disaster)黄色、山洪灾害(flash flood disaster)风险、洪水蓝色、雷电黄色、大风(gale)蓝色(后升级黄色)等预警。

By 5 am on Thursday, total rainfall in four districts-Haidian, Fengtai, Shijingshan and Changping-could exceed 100 millimeters, as measured starting at 11 am on Wednesday, according to the municipal meteorological station.
截至13日零时,全市平均降雨量(average precipitation)达59.3毫米;城区平均降雨量达89.7毫米,城区最大降雨量(the highest precipitation)在海淀香山,达152.8毫米;全市最大降雨量在昌平沙河水库,达155.0毫米。全市平均降雨量达暴雨级别。
小雨(light rain):1d(或24h)降雨量小于10mm者。
中雨(moderate rain):1d(或24h)降雨量10~25mm者。
大雨(heavy rain):1d(或24h)降雨量25~50mm者。
暴雨(torrential rain):1d(或24h)降雨量50~100mm者。
特大暴雨(heavy downpour):1d(或24h)降雨量在200mm以上者。
Drizzle和rain的区别主要看雨滴(water droplet)大小,雨滴直径在0.2到0.5毫米之间的叫drizzle(细雨,毛毛雨),雨滴直径在0.5毫米以上的就都是rain了。
Shower则是个另类,指的是在不同时间段、在不同地区出现的间歇性的“阵雨”,从这个“阵”字我们可以看出,这个shower可能短时间在某地降雨强度很大,但是持续时间一般不会太长。如果说部分地区有“零星阵雨”,我们就可以用scattered shower来表示。
At least 291 flights have been canceled at the city's two airports, Beijing Capital International Airport and Daxing International Airport, on Wednesday, according to airport authorities.
Up to 191 sightseeing areas in Beijing's mountain districts were closed to the public, 5,490 homestay hotels were told to stop taking in guests, and 192 bus routes suspended operation,according to the city's flood control office.
Some 110,000 staff members in different departments in Beijing were on standby for any problems arising from the rainstorms.
这里的on standby表示“随时待命、随叫随到”,比如:Five ambulances are on standby at the port.(港口有5辆救护车待命)。I'll be on standby over Christmas.(圣诞节期间我随时待命)。此外,on standby也可以表示出行前等待退票的“候补”状态,比如: The passenger is waiting on standby for an available seat.(那位乘客正在等待候补席位)。
新发地市场 Xinfadi market
Xinfadi market, source of a cluster of COVID-19 infections in Beijing in June, will reopen to the public on Saturday but only as a wholesale operation, a municipal government official said on Thursday. Zhou Xinchun, deputy head of Fengtai district, where the market is located, said the authority has upgraded its operations to make all buyers, vehicles and goods traceable after it reopens to the public.
在商务类英语中,我们经常会遇到retailer、wholesaler、distributor、outlet这一类词汇,他们有什么区别呢?总体来说,这四个词可以分成两组,一组是 retailer 和 outlet,均与“零售”有关,另一组是 wholesaler 和 distributor,多与“批发”有关。Retailer 作为“零售商”规模可大可小,公交车站旁边的报刊亭也算 retailer;outlet 可指某个品牌的专营店,也可指折扣店,对于后面的这个意思,可能很多人都比较熟悉,各类“奥特莱斯”outlets 其实就是各种名牌商品折扣店的聚集地;distributor 指的是某些公司产品的“分销商”,而 wholesaler 作为“批发商”并不仅限于代理某一种产品。比如:furniture wholesaler 可以是各个不同品牌家具的代理批发商。
根据安排,复市后,新发地市场严格实行批零分离,主市场不再面向个人零售(the market will not serve individuals)。市场的批发环节采用“卖方注册制、买方会员制”。
Buyers and sellers need to register before they trade in the market. All buyers and sellers have to make reservations, provide information including vehicle license plates, trading area, time and gates where their vehicles' enter before each trade.
Only the vehicles of vendors and buyers will be allowed to enter the market. Anyone coming into the market must first pass a facial recognition system as well as temperature checks.
A nearby convenience vegetable market of 1,000 square meters opened to public on July 31. It has 22 stands selling vegetables, fruit, oil and eggs. Neighborhoods nearby are the main customers.