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中国日报网 2020-09-30 17:00


旅行安全 travel safety

Currently, on the Chinese mainland, the virus can only be found in hospitalized patients, people placed under medical observation and laboratories, Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said during an interview with China Central Television.

"It is now impossible to contract the virus in social environments, including schools and workplaces," he said. "There is no need to place extra restrictions on tourists out of concern for COVID-19 infections, though necessary travel safety precautions should be taken due to large gatherings."


这里的out of concern for表示“出于对...的担忧”,concern作为动词和名词都表示“担忧、关心”等意思,比如:The problem concerns us all.(这个问题与我们所有人相关);Her ill health concerns me.(她身体不好,让我担心);It's no concern of yours/none of your concern.(与你无关)。写作的时候用来表达观点的一个常用词组就是as far as (someone) is concerned(在某人看来);如果把这个搭配里面的someone换成something,变成as far as (something) is concerned,表示“就...而言”,比如:He has no worries as far as money is concerned.(在钱方面,他没什么可担心的)。

国家卫健委通报,截至9月13日,中国境内已连续29天无本土新增新冠肺炎确诊病例(no new locally transmitted infections for 29 consecutive days )。


After months of exploring and practicing strategies aimed at fending off imported infections, China has improved its knowledge in this aspect and is capable of gradually increasing incoming flights.

All incoming travelers will be managed in a closed-off loop and will not pose risks to local residents.


住房租赁条例 rental housing rules


The draft regulation is designed to protect the lawful interests of tenants and landlords. One of its provisions says the interior decoration of apartments should meet national standards and not pose a risk to tenants' health.


这里的pose a risk to就是“危及...”,我们也可以用put someone/something at risk或者endanger someone/something来替换,比如上文中的pose a risk to tenants' health就可以替换成put tenants' health at risk/endanger tenants' health。


Landlords should not rent kitchens, bathrooms, balconies or basements for tenants to live in, and landlords should show their ID and real estate ownership certificates to tenants before a lease is signed. Tenants should also show their ID to landlords.

Landlords who collect deposits from tenants should include the amount and its time of refund in contracts.

Landlords should not enter a rented apartment without the tenant's consent, the draft says.

Landlords should also take on the responsibility of apartment maintenance unless they have agreed otherwise with tenants.

Tenants should abide by laws and regulations and not damage or dismantle fire safety facilities or make alterations to apartments' load-bearing structures, it says.

The lease between tenant and landlord should be registered in the online real estate rental system.


这里的lease本身就有“租约”的意思,因此没必要在后面加contract或agreement等表示“协议、合同”的词,比如:We signed a three-year lease when we moved into the house.(我们搬进这个房子的时候签了三年的租约)。The lease runs out/expires in two years' time.(租约两年后到期)。另外,lease也可以用作动词或名词,表示“租赁(车、房子等)”,比如我们在影视剧中经常看到房子打算出租以后就会在外面立一个牌子,上面写着“For Lease”就是表示“此房出租”,如果写的是“For Sale”就是(此房出售)。用作动词的时候后面可以直接跟租赁的对象,比如:It was agreed they would lease the apartment to him/lease him the apartment.(他们同意把房子租给他)。

Real estate agents should not coax or force tenants into applying for loans to pay rents by offering rent discounts or other measures, and they must not include any mention of such loans in leases.

Commercial banks that grant such loans should make sure the length of maturity does not exceed the duration of the lease, the draft regulation says.


出国受阻留学生 stranded students intending to study abroad

Given the continuing spread of COVID-19 around the globe, as well as entry, visa and flight restrictions imposed by a number of countries, some Chinese students intending to study abroad have been forced to change, delay or even call off their plans, the Ministry of Education said.


这里的call off就是“取消”的意思,也可以用cancel替换,比如:The football match was cancelled/called off due to bad weather.(足球比赛因为天气原因取消了)。此外,call off还有“转移、吸引开”等意思,比如:her attention was called off by the arrival of her children(她的注意力被到来的孩子们吸引走了)。




The ministry has been encouraging international students to finish their courses online as organized by their universities. The policies make it clear that students' alternative learning experience will not affect the authenticity of their college certificates and degrees.


这里的alternative作为形容词表示“有别于传统的”,平常都是在学校里与老师、同学面对面上课,疫情期间大家都只能通过网络上课,这种上课的体验就是与传统的课堂模式不同的。此外,在音乐文化领域,alternative通常翻译为“另类的”,用来表示那些与传统音乐流派或文化流派不一样的类型,比如,alternative rock(另类摇滚)、alternative lifestyles(另类的生活方式)等。Alternative也可以作为名词表示“可供选择的事物”,比如:The menu offered several vegetarian alternatives.(菜单提供了好几种素食选择);the alternative of going by train or by plane(选择坐火车或飞机)等。


On the premise of ensuring educational equity, the ministry will allow a number of existing Chinese mainland-based cooperative educational institutions and programs between China and other countries and between the mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to admit more qualified students.

The enrolment is meant for students who have already been admitted to universities overseas and planned to pursue an undergraduate or postgraduate degree starting this fall semester, according to the ministry.

About 90 joint degree programs in 19 provincial-level regions, including Beijing, Zhejiang and Guangdong, will be made available.



Meanwhile, the ministry will guide the communication between the Chinese embassies and consulates with the education departments and universities in the host countries to address the concerns of Chinese students.

流感疫苗接种 flu vaccination


Health professionals, staff and vulnerable individuals in venues with gatherings of people, including elderly care centers, nursing and welfare homes, are advised to take flu vaccines on a priority basis, according to suggestions from the latest technical guideline for influenza vaccination issued by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC).


简单介绍一下关于“疫苗”的几个词,vaccine就是“疫苗”本身,vaccinate就是“注射疫苗、接种疫苗”这个动作,而其名词形式vaccination就是“接种疫苗”这件事。这三个词用在句子中表达“某人接种疫苗”可以是:vaccinate someone/someone gets vaccinated /someone takes vaccine/someone gets vaccination。


Teachers and students in nurseries, primary and secondary schools;

Prison inmates and workers;

Other groups at higher risk from influenza, including citizens aged 60 and above who stay in their own homes, children from six months to five years old, patients with chronic diseases, family members and caregivers of infants under six months old, and pregnant women or women preparing to become pregnant during the flu season



A hike in the number of flu patients is expected in autumn and winter, periods that usually have a high incidence of influenza.


The development will overlap with the country's COVID-19 control efforts, making it more difficult for health professionals to identify COVID-19 cases and increasing isolation difficulties and healthcare burdens, to the disadvantage of COVID-19 control.


教职员工准入查询 background checks on candidates in teacher recruitments


Chinese authorities have ordered mandatory background checks on candidates in teacher recruitments in kindergartens and primary and middle schools, and those who have sex-related crime records will be blacklisted. Such people are also banned from obtaining teacher certification, according to the circular.


这里的be banned from表示“禁止、阻止”,与我们常见的bar是近义词,bar和ban通常可以替换使用。如果一定要讲这两个词的区别的话,ban的动词和名词形式多用于表示政府官方机构颁布的“禁令”,而bar通常不带有官方性质。另外,在美剧中经常会看到监狱都有一面铁栅栏墙,所以behind bars表示“进监狱”,比如,The police said they would put him behind bars some day.(警察说总有一天要把他关进监狱。)

此次意见明确了查询的范围:一类是因强奸(rape)、强制猥亵、猥亵儿童(child molestation)犯罪被作出有罪判决的人员,以及因上述犯罪被检察院作出相对不起诉决定的人员。另一类是因猥亵行为被行政处罚的人员。

Such regulations also apply to the recruitment of other faculties, including administrative staff, and odd-job and security personnel in such institutions.

Those already holding jobs on campus are also obliged to undergo the checking procedure. Former offenders will be fired and have their teaching licenses rescinded, it said.


自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones



The plan outlines the priorities for each pilot free trade zone and pledges to give them greater reform space so as to carry out in-depth exploration and expand opening-up.


有关自由贸易区的英文表述,我们通常会看到free trade zone(FTZ)和free trade area(FTA)。这两者的区别是:free trade zone(FTZ)是根据本国(地区)法律法规在本国(地区)境内设立的区域性经济特区,区内贸易政策由本国(地区)自行制定;而free trade area(FTA)则是根据多个国家(地区)之间协议设立的包括协议国(地区)在内的经济体,协议成员之间的贸易往来可享受一定的优惠政策,而这些优惠政策需各方共同协商制定。



The Beijing pilot FTZ will focus on supporting the construction of an innovation center with global influence. It will accelerate the construction of a leading area for the expansion of trade in services and a pilot area for the digital economy.

The Beijing zone will also strive to build a high-level opening-up platform for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

The plan also details measures for creating a first-class international environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, advancing innovation in services trade management, and exploring the construction of an international port for the information industry and digital trade in the Beijing zone.



The new pilot FTZ in central China's Hunan province will focus on building a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster, an international investment and trade corridor linking the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and a leading area for in-depth economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa.

The plan puts forward specific measures for the Hunan zone, such as the construction of a high-end equipment manufacturing base and the promotion of coordinated development of services industries in Hunan, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.


Expected to set the standard for opening-up in the inland region, the pilot FTZ in east China's Anhui province will focus on promoting the in-depth integration of scientific and technological innovation and the development of the real economy. It will accelerate the pace of its pioneering role in scientific and technological innovation and the cluster development of advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries, and promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

The plan introduces measures including promoting commercialization of technological research results to support the Anhui pilot FTZ.


The added section will focus on building a new type of international trade center, an international shipping and logistics hub, and the construction of a commodity resource allocation base centered on oil and gas. The section will also see the construction of a digital economy development demonstration zone and a cluster area for advanced manufacturing industries.



学位论文作假 dissertation fraud


Postgraduate students who commit fraud in their graduation dissertations or theses will be recorded in the national social credit system, a new guideline said on Tuesday. The guideline, jointly issued by the Ministry of Education, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance, asked universities and research institutes to intensify their efforts to crack down on academic misconduct.


首先说明一点,这里的theses是thesis一词的复数形式。接着我们说一说大学里的各种“论文”。Paper可以指课程论文,或某个具体研究在会议或者期刊上发表的论文,如term paper(学期论文), course paper(课程论文), research paper(研究论文)。Essay的含义较广,既可指几千字的短篇论文,也可以指散文或者杂文。



“学术不端”(academic misconduct)的一般性界定为:高等学校及其教学科研人员、管理人员和学生,在科学研究及相关活动中发生的违反公认的学术准则、违背学术诚信的行为。


《办法》中明确的六种“学术不端”情形包括:剽窃、抄袭、侵占他人学术成果(plagiarism),篡改他人研究成果(fabrication or alteration of research results),伪造数据或捏造事实(data falsification),不当署名(inappropriate authorship),提供虚假学术信息(providing false or misleading information),买卖或代写论文(academic paper selling or ghostwriting)等。同时授权高等学校可以结合学校实际,自行规定六类之外的学术不端情形。



Education authorities should increase the percentage of students going through random dissertation inspection, and should revoke the accreditation of disciplines that fail to ensure the quality of such works, it said.

It also asked universities and research institutes to impose stricter evaluation standards for supervisors, including their work ethic, academic performance and efforts in supervising students.

Academic integrity should be an important part of postgraduate education and training for supervisors, and dissertation writing guidance should be compulsory for all students, the guideline said.

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