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中国日报网 2020-09-30 17:00


正当防卫 justifiable defense


The premise of justifiable defense is the existence of unlawful infringement, which includes not only infringement on the right to life and health, but also the violation of personal freedoms, public and private property, among other rights, according to the guideline.


正当防卫(justifiable defense),指对正在进行不法侵害行为的人采取的制止不法侵害的行为,对不法侵害人造成一定限度损害的,属于正当防卫,不负刑事责任。


If a person employs an act to stop an unlawful infringement for the purposes of avoiding the said infringement for the State's or the public interest or for his own or another person's right of the person, property right or any other right, thus causing harm to the unlawful infringer, the said act shall be regarded as a justifiable defense and the said person shall not bear criminal responsibility.

If a justifiable defense apparently exceeds the limits of necessity, thus causing a serious harm, the person involved shall bear criminal responsibility, but be given a mitigated punishment or be exempt from punishment.

If a person employs an act of defense to an immediate violent crime of committing physical assault, homicide, robbery, rape, kidnapping or any other crime seriously endangering the safety of another person, thus causing bodily injury or death to the unlawful infringer, the said act shall not be regarded as a defense that exceeds the limits of necessity, and the said person shall not bear criminal responsibility.

其中,“正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任”指的就是“防卫过当(excessive defense)”。

在正当防卫制度的具体适用上,指导意见还提出了 “十个准确”规则。例如,要准确把握正当防卫的起因条件(causal conditions for justifiable defense)、准确把握正当防卫的时间条件(timing of justifiable defense)、准确把握防卫过当的意图条件(intentions of excessive defense)、准确把握防卫过当的刑罚裁量(punishment for excessive defense)及特殊防卫的认定条件等。

If someone finds that others are causing damage to national or public security, efforts to stop them will also be regarded as self-defense. For example, passengers can stop people trying to grab steering wheels or attack bus drivers while vehicles are in motion, according to the guideline.

In addition, when a person is attacked by a group of people, he or she can fight back not only against the attackers as self-defense, but also those organizing or instigating the attack at the scene, it added.


学位互认 mutual recognition of qualifications and academic degrees

China has established educational cooperation and exchange with 188 countries and regions and 46 international organizations, and forged agreements with 54 countries on mutual recognition of qualifications and academic degrees in higher education,said Liu Jin, director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the MOE.


这里的forge原意是“锻造、铸造”(heat the metal and then hammer and bend it into the required shape),后引申出“制定、建立”等意思,比如:forge an agreement/forge a good relationship with...(与...签署协议/建立良好的关系)等。此外,forge这个词还用来表示“伪造”,比如:forge passport(伪造护照)、forge one's signature(伪造某人的签名),所以其名词形式forgery就表示“伪造罪;赝品”,比如:this painting is a forgery.(这幅画是赝品)。


China is the world's largest source of international students, with about 1.4 million Chinese now studying abroad.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of foreign students choose to study in China. The Chinese government has set up the "Silk Road" scholarship program to help train talents for countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.


离开自己所在的国家去其他国家和地区的学校学习深造的所有学生统称为international students(国际学生/留学生),对于本国的学生来说,从其他国家来我国学习的学生就是foreign students,而离开我们国家去外国学习的学生则是overseas students,学成回国的“海归”就是overseas returnees。这几年很流行的“出国游学”就是overseas study tour。


Despite the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, China will further deepen cooperation and exchange with other countries in the education sector.


商业短信 commercial short messages


The draft regulations say organizations or individuals should not send any commercial short messages or make any commercial calls to users without their consent or request, or after they have been explicitly rejected.


商业性短信息(commercial short messages)或商业性电话(commercial calls),是指用于介绍、推销商品、服务或者商业投资机会的短信息或电话(short messages or calls used for introduction or marketing of products, services or business investment opportunities)。

Basic telecommunication business operators would not be allowed to provide any access services or communication resources for organizations and individuals that have not obtained business licenses for telecommunication services to engage in commercial short message and voice call services.


这里的engage in表示“从事、参与”等意思,通常情况下我们多用engage someone in something这个固定搭配,比如:You can engage the kids in a game this afternoon so that I can get some work done.(下午你让孩子们玩游戏,这样我就能干点儿活。)如果用这个搭配的被动形式,就是someone is engaged in doing something,表示“忙于做某事”,比如:Dad is engaged in fixing the car, so he can't talk right now.(爸爸忙着修车呢,没空讲话。)另外,我们看美剧的时候,经常会听到指挥官对手下的队员们说“do not engage”,意思就是“(遇到敌人)不要交战”,这种情况下engage就是不及物动词,表示“enter into conflict or battle”。


Suppliers of short message services should make sure users have agreed to or asked to receive commercial short messages before sending them out, with records of user consent to be kept for at least five months.


婚姻登记 marriage registration


Local authorities in China have been asked to compile teaching materials and roll out tutoring sessions aimed at preparing young couples for married life and to introduce a ceremony for marriage certificate presentation to the marriage registration procedure, the guideline said.


这里的marriage registration(婚姻登记)是两人结婚必经的法定流程,只有在民政部门正式登记才算是合法夫妻(legally wedded couple)。关于“结婚”的英文表达,最简单的就是A marries/weds B,其他常用的表达还有,to tie the knot, to walk down the aisle, to get hitched等。To tie the knot(喜结连理)至少在13世纪就用来表示“结婚”的意思了,knot在很多文化中都被视为“坚不可摧的承诺”之意。To walk down the aisle则指举行婚礼时,新娘由家人陪伴走过教堂或礼堂的过道,来到新郎身旁,然后举行仪式。To get hitched更形象地表现了婚姻中两个人的关系,hitch本意是“拴住、套住”,get hitched就是两个人拴在一起。

根据意见要求,各地要着力提升结婚颁证服务水平,县级以上婚姻登记机关至少设立一个独立的颁证大厅,探索将颁证仪式引入结婚登记流程并实现颁证仪式常态化(include the certificate-issuing ceremony in the regular marriage registration procedure),通过引导婚姻当事人宣读结婚誓言(take wedding vows)、领取结婚证,在庄重神圣的仪式中宣告婚姻缔结,让当事人感悟铭记婚姻家庭蕴含的责任担当(better comprehend the responsibility that comes with marriage)。


The guidelines also called for improving mechanisms for family dispute mediation and divorce counseling, and required marriage registries at the county level and above to set up mediation rooms.

They should also explore effective ways to intervene in faltering relationships and provide support during the cooling-off period before a divorce is granted, it said.


鸿蒙系统2.0 HarmonyOS2.0

Huawei Technologies Co said on Thursday that its in-house operating system HarmonyOS will be used in smartphones next year, marking a breakthrough in Chinese companies' efforts to commercialize self-developed operating systems and to build their own globally competitive software ecosystems.



这里的OS是operating system的简写形式,比如苹果的操作系统就是iOS,安卓的操作系统就是Android OS。

HarmonyOS is already used in Huawei's smart TV products. With the upgrade of the system, HarmonyOS will be used in smartwatches, personal computers and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices later.

本次开发者大会上,华为面向全球首发了HMS Core 5.0。

HMS是华为移动服务(Huawei Mobile Services)的简写形式,是华为为其设备生态系统提供的一套应用程序和服务,这是华为构建应用生态的第一步。HMS是华为云服务的合集,包含华为账号、应用内支付、华为推送服务、华为云盘服务、华为广告服务、消息服务、付费下载服务、快应用等服务。

Huawei said the mobile applications integrated with HMS so far have exceeded 96,000. The number of developers of HMS now stands at over 1.8 million.
华为表示,在全球180万开发者的支持下,目前已有超过9.6万个应用集成HMS Core。


Huawei has also promised to make HarmonyOS open source, which means anyone can freely examine the system specification to make sure there's no problem.

The code for small Internet of Things (IoT) devices with 128 megabytes or less storage is available now.

The code for larger devices will be freely published in April 2021, and the remaining code will be available for download by October 2021.

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