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Machines to ‘do half of all work tasks by 2025’ 世界经济论坛预测到2025年半数工作将由机器完成

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世界经济论坛( World Economic Forum )的一份报告预测,到 2025 年,全球一半的工作任务将由机器完成,这一转变很可能会加剧不平等。世界经济论坛智囊团表示,一场 “机器人革命” 将在全球创造 9700 万个就业机会,但同时几乎也会摧毁同样多的就业机会,使一些社区群体面临失业风险。

The World Economic Forum’s report has some striking findings, both on how we will work in the future, and on how technology will affect the numbers and types of jobs available. 


It also found evidence that these changes are likely to be more rapid because of the pandemic. Globally, it predicts that machines will displace 85 million jobs by 2025, but more new roles – 97 million – are likely to emerge.


But in the present, the report says millions of workers have already experienced profound changes which have hit disadvantaged people with greater ferocity. In two months, the pandemic destroyed more jobs than the financial crisis did in two years. 


The report says there will be opportunities in what it describes as ‘new professions’. These are not confined to technology. Several reflect what it calls the ‘continuing importance of human interaction’, such as care, marketing, and culture.



striking 惊人的,引人注目的
rapid 迅速的
pandemic 全球性流行病
displace 取代,代替
emerge 出现
disadvantaged 处于劣势的
ferocity 残酷,猛烈
professions 职业
confined to 局限于
interaction 互动,交流


1. True or false? The World Economic Forum’s report predicts that while machines will complete many jobs by 2025, new roles are likely to emerge.

2. According to the report, why are the changes to work likely to be more rapid?

3. What group of people have experienced the most drastic changes to their jobs, according to the report?

4. According to the text, what are some of the new professions that ‘reflect the continuing importance of human interaction’?


1. True or false? The World Economic Forum’s report predicts that while machines will complete many jobs by 2025, new roles are likely to emerge.
True. The report predicts that, globally, machines will displace 85 million jobs by 2025, but more new roles – 97 million – are likely to emerge.

2. According to the report, why are the changes to work likely to be more rapid?
They are likely to be more rapid because of the pandemic.

3. What group of people have experienced the most drastic changes to their jobs, according to the report?
Disadvantaged people.

4. According to the text, what are some of the new professions that ‘reflect the continuing importance of human interaction’?
Examples of these new professions are care, marketing, and culture.




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