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中国日报网 2021-06-01 09:00



宠物盲盒 pet mystery box

The pet mystery box has been trending on multiple e-commerce platforms, including Taobao and Pinduoduo.It allows users to buy pets of unknown breeds and appearances for about 10 yuan ($1.50) or even lower.


“盲盒”,在英语中可以用mystery boxes或mystery toy boxes表示,里面装的通常是动漫、影视作品的周边,或者是设计师单独设计出来的玩偶(collectible figures)。之所以叫“盲盒”,是因为消费者在购买的时候看不到里面装的是哪一款(the packaging doesn't allow buyers to see what's inside),只有在打开之后才能看到。



Many such purchases involve a dayslong cross-provincial shipping process and has led to animals suffocating or dying of dehydration.


The business is a "departure from humanity".


Relevant rules have forbidden the sending of live animals via postal services, and sellers and courier companies shall not violate the rules knowingly.



The online crusade came after volunteers from Chengdu Aizhijia Animal Rescue Center, a local animal welfare group, late on Monday intercepted about 160 packages containing such pets at the ZTO outlet.


Intercept表示“拦截”,可以用于军事领域表示“拦截导弹”(intercept a missile),也可以用于体育领域表示“截球”(intercept the ball),这两种拦截均表示被拦截的东西没有到达预定目的地。到了电子信息时代,如果我们说my email was intercepted,并不是说我没有收到这封邮件,而是这封邮件在发送的过程中被未知的第三方获取了。


The group said it has taken control of the animals following health checkups organized by local animal disease control authorities.

A volunteer said four dogs and cats were found dead, and more than a dozen were diagnosed with diseases including distemper and cat plague.



In a statement late on Tuesday, ZTO apologized for collecting live animals from e-retailers for shipment, which it said breached rules.

The firm said it has shut the outlet in question for rectification.

A worker overseeing safety affairs in Sichuan province has also been suspended from work with the year's performance-based salary deducted, it added.


这里的performance-based salary字面意思为“基于表现的薪水”,也就是我们常说的“绩效工资(奖金)”,performance就是指我们在工作中的表现,取得的成绩,职场人经常挂在嘴边的KPI就是指key performance indicator(关键绩效指标),在使用的时候通常会用复数形式KPIs,因为每个公司的绩效考评指标都有很多项。

"The healthy development of courier companies is reliant on the strict application of industrial standards and safety management, as well as a proper value toward life," the statement said.


《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》明确规定,屠宰、经营、运输的动物(animals for slaugher, dealing or shipment),以及用于科研、展示、演出和比赛等非食用性利用的动物(animals for nonedible purposes including scientific research, display, show and competition),应当附有检疫证明(quarantine certificate);经营和运输的动物产品,应当附有检疫证明、检疫标志;经航空、铁路、道路、水路运输动物和动物产品的,托运人托运时应当提供检疫证明,没有检疫证明的,承运人不得承运。


中国国际消费品博览会 China International Consumer Products Expo

The first China International Consumer Products Expo is scheduled for May 7-10 in Haikou, capital of south China's Hainan province. More than 1,300 global brands from 69 countries and regions and over 1,200 domestic labels will participate in the expo, which is expected to attract more than 200,000 visitors.


文创雪糕 ice cream bars at scenic spots

The Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan, southwest China's Sichuan province, has rolled out ice cream bars in the shape of Sanxingdui bronze masks unearthed at the sacrificial pits of the legendary Sanxingdui Ruins site with excavation (chocolate) and bronze(matcha) flavors, attracting tens of thousands of travelers to have a taste during the May Day holiday this year.



Museums, historical sites and tourist attractions across China have also introduced ice cream bars, sorbets as well as other creative food and products to expand their cultural reach.

Yueyang Tower, a tourist magnet perching along the Dongting Lake in Hunan province, said it sold more than 22,000 ice pops in the shape of the ancient building during the five-day holiday.


上面提到了关于“雪糕”和“冰棍”的表达,我们简单总结一下:ice cream bar就是bar(块)形状的ice cream(冰激凌),即“雪糕”,而ice pop就是a piece of ice with a sweet fruit flavour on a small stick(冻在一小根木棍上的水果味冰块),即“冰棍”,这是美式英语的说法,在英式英语中通常用ice lolly来表示,popsicle其实是美国的一个冰棍产品品牌,后来也逐渐被人们用来指代“冰棍”。值得一提的是,ice pop在英式英语中指a long tube-shaped piece of ice with a sweet fruit flavor, sold inside a long plastic cover(装在塑料包装内的水果味长条冰棒),也就是我们小时候常吃的“棒棒冰”。

Other tourist destinations in China soon joined the social media carnival with their own offerings, from Wuhan's Yellow Crane Tower to the catholic church in Qingdao, attracting tourists to take pictures of the ice pops in front of their prototypes.


紧急使用认证 emergency use listing


"This afternoon, the WHO gave emergency use listing to Sinopharm Beijing's COVID-19 vaccine, making it the sixth vaccine to receive WHO validation for safety, efficacy and quality," said WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a press briefing.

"This expands the list of vaccines that COVAX can buy and gives countries confidence to expedite their own regulatory approval, and to import and administer a vaccine," he said.


2020年10月8日,中国同全球疫苗免疫联盟签署协议,正式加入“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划(COVAX)”。这是中国秉持人类卫生健康共同体理念(uphold the concept of a shared community of health for all)、履行自身承诺推动疫苗成为全球公共产品(turn COVID-19 vaccines into a global public good)的一个重要举措。

“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”由世界卫生组织和全球疫苗免疫联盟、流行病防范创新联盟共同牵头成立,拟于2021年底前向全球提供20亿剂新冠肺炎疫苗(the initial aim is to have 2 billion doses available by the end of 2021),供应给“自费经济体(higher-income self-financing countries)”和“受资助经济体(lower-income funded nations)”。包括我国在内的“自费经济体”需向该计划承诺为本经济体一定比例人口购买疫苗并缴纳预付款,而“受资助经济体”无须缴纳预付款,同时享受该计划补贴。


The addition of the Sinopharm vaccine has "the potential to rapidly accelerate COVID-19 vaccine access for countries seeking to protect health workers and populations at risk".


The jab produced by the Beijing Bio-Institute of Biological Products Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of the China National Biotec Group, is an inactivated vaccine with easy storage requirements, which makes it highly suitable for use in low-resource settings.

It is also the first vaccine that will carry a vial monitor, a small sticker on the vials that changes color if the vaccine is exposed to heat, letting health workers know whether the vaccine can be safely used.

According to the WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE), the Sinopharm vaccine is recommended for use in adults 18 years and older in a two-dose schedule with a spacing of three to four weeks.

The WHO is not recommending an upper age limit for the Sinopharm vaccine, because reviewed data have suggested that the vaccine is likely to have a protective effect in older persons, according to the WHO press release.

The WHO had previously listed the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, two versions of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, the Janssen vaccine and the Moderna vaccine for emergency use.


中国品牌日 China Brand Day

The 2021 China Brand Day events kicked off on May 10 and will last till May 12. During the period, China will host an international forum on China brand development and an expo on China indigenous brands, the events will also help to guide local governments to organize activities to create distinctive brands.


天问一号着陆火星 Tianwen 1 probe lands on Mars

China's Tianwen 1 Mars probe streaked down through the Martian sky on May 15, becoming the country's first probe to land on a planet other than Earth. The lander, carrying a Mars rover, touched down at its pre-selected landing area in the southern part of Utopia Planitia, a vast plain on the northern hemisphere of Mars, at 7:18 a.m. (Beijing Time), the China National Space Administration announced.


疫苗接种 vaccination


China is working at full throttle to vaccinate its people against COVID-19, as over 400 million doses had been administered as of Sunday, just nine days after the figure surpassed 300 million doses.


At full throttle是一个固定搭配的短语,表示“moving or progressing as fast as possible”,即“全速地”,比如:We're going ahead at full throttle on this project(我们正在全速推进这个项目)。这个短语中的full还可以用half替换,at half throttle就表示“以一半的速度”,也可以理解为“没有全力以赴”。Throttle做名词时指“油门”,这两个短语都是由此而来。


Long queues were seen at multiple vaccination sites in Hefei, capital city of Anhui. A temporary vaccination site has been set up in the Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University to meet the surging demand since May 14.

To ensure orderly vaccination, the hospital has adopted a booking system. Areas for waiting, registration, injection and observation were isolated from the rest of the hospital and arranged following a one-way route.

As of May 14, Hefei had administered over 2.6 million doses. The day also witnessed the city's highest daily inoculation number so far -- 364,100 doses.

The city of Shenyang, capital of Liaoning, has set up over 300 vaccination sites capable of administering 200,000 doses a day.

A mobile inoculation vehicle has appeared in Shenyang's downtown area, which can serve three people at the same time.


野生东北虎 wild Siberian tiger



It is the first time that a wild Siberian tiger has been successfully rescued and released into the wild in China, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration said.


自然界的老虎一共有9个亚种(nine subspecies),但由于栖息地减少,加上人类的狩猎等原因,有三个亚种已经灭绝(extinct),分别是the Bali tiger(巴厘虎), the Caspian tiger(里海虎), the Javan tiger(爪哇虎),另外六个亚种属于濒危动物(endangered animals),分别是Indochinese tiger(印度支那虎), Malayan tiger(马来亚虎), Siberian tiger(东北虎), Sumatran tiger(苏门答腊虎), Bengal tiger(孟加拉虎)和South China tiger(华南虎)。

根据世界自然基金会(World Wildlife Fund,WWF)网站的分类,不同物种的保护状态(conservation status)由轻到重大致分为以下几种:无危物种(least concern)、近危物种(near threatened)、易危物种(vulnerable)、濒危物种(endangered)、极危物种(critically endangered)。


The National Forestry and Grassland Administration has urged efforts to eliminate threats to wild tigers in Heilongjiang province, conducting patrols and improving awareness among villagers.

Researchers will continue monitoring and studying the tiger's health status and genetic information, as well as its chances of survival in the wild, the administration said.



On April 23, local police received a report that a tiger had been found in an abandoned house in Linhu village of Mishan, and had hurt a female villager working on a farm. A group of police officers and wildlife experts quickly converged on the village.


这里的converge是一个不及物动词,表示“集中;(向某一点)聚集、交汇”,如果表示“在某处聚集”通常用converge on+地点来表示,比如:Police cars converged on the accident scene(警车在事故现场集合);The two roads converge in the center of town(这两条路在城镇中心交汇)。

To prevent the tiger from hurting anyone else, wildlife experts tranquilized the tiger and finally captured it. A preliminary examination was carried out immediately thereafter.

The male tiger, about 3 years old, had suffered no trauma. It weighed 225 kilograms and was strong, having had good nutrition.

The tiger, which was named Wandashan-1 by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, was transported to the China Hengdaohezi Feline Breeding Center in April for medical examination and health monitoring.

Experts said the tiger should return to the wild as soon as possible, as the evaluation and demonstration had showed that it had normal physiological indicators, with no abnormal behaviors or risk of disease.

Experts said wild Siberian tigers have been sighted frequently in Northeast China in recent years thanks to the improving natural environment. As the wild boar and deer populations were gradually restored, the food chain for the tigers became more stable.


婚姻登记“跨省通办” inter-provincial marriage registration

China will pilot an inter-provincial marriage/divorce registration policy to save its growing migrant population the trouble of traveling. The pilot program will be first introduced in Liaoning, Shandong, Guangdong, Chongqing and Sichuan, among other provincial-level regions, running from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2023, the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) announced Wednesday.


Save someone the trouble表示“帮某人省去麻烦”,如果想说明麻烦的具体内容,后面可以跟of +具体内容,比如:write it down and save yourself the trouble of remembering(写下来,你就不用费心去记了)。


根据2003年颁布的《婚姻登记条例》,内地居民自愿结婚的,男女双方应当共同到一方当事人户籍所在地(place of household registration)的婚姻登记机关办理结婚登记。


The new policy will enable people living outside their place of household registration to register their marriage or divorce in the pilot areas where they have resided for at least half a year and obtained a residence permit.


说到“居住”的时候,上面的报道中用了reside这个词,我们就简单说一下reside、dwell、live、lodge以及inhabit这几个词的区别。Reside是一个比较正式的用词,通常表示“to dwell permanently or continuously”,即“长期或永久居住”;dwell和live可以互相替换使用,都表示“居住”,时间可长可短;lodge指短时间或临时住宿,比如:the refugees need to be lodged and fed(需要解决这些难民的食宿问题);inhabit指“to occupy as a place of settled residence or habitat”,即“将某地作为常住地或栖息地”,强调人或动物居住在某个地区并已适应某种特殊环境。



Around 493 million people lived outside their place of household registration in 2020, with those aged between 15 and 35 accounting for more than 70 percent.


The policy is aimed at solving people's practical difficulties and meeting their needs. Such changes to marriage registration procedures are an inevitable trend of social development.


中俄核能合作项目 China-Russia nuclear energy cooperation project

President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on May 19 witnessed the ground-breaking ceremony of a bilateral nuclear energy cooperation project, Tianwan nuclear power plant and Xudapu nuclear power plant, via video link. Noting that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, Xi said that he and President Putin have agreed to advance the development of bilateral relations to higher and deeper levels and expand the ties to broader fields.

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