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Algae proteins partially restore man’s sight 藻类蛋白帮助男子恢复部分视力

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The man from Brittany in France was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa 40 years ago. Doctors used a pioneering technique called optogenetics to try to restore his vision.


It’s based on the proteins that microscopic algae use to swim towards the light and requires a special pair of goggles to convert natural light into the right wavelength for the proteins.


The patient knew the method was working when he could see the stripes of a pedestrian crossing. He does not have perfect sight, but the difference between none and limited vision is still life-changing.



diagnosed 被诊断
pioneering 开创性的
optogenetics 光遗传学
proteins 蛋白质
algae 水藻,藻类
goggles 护目镜
pedestrian crossing 人行横道
life-changing 能改变人生的


1. What was the name of the technique used to try to restore the man’s vision?

2. What needs to be worn to convert natural light into the right wavelength for the proteins?

3. True or false? The patient knew the technique hadn’t worked when he saw the stripes on a pedestrian crossing.

4. How good is the man’s sight now?


1. What was the name of the technique used to try to restore the man’s vision?
Doctors used a pioneering technique called optogenetics to try to restore his vision.

2. What needs to be worn to convert natural light into the right wavelength for the proteins?
The technique requires wearing a special pair of goggles to convert natural light into the right wavelength for the proteins.

3. True or false? The patient knew the technique hadn’t worked when he saw the stripes on a pedestrian crossing.
False. The patient knew the method was working when he could see the stripes of a pedestrian crossing.

4. How good is the man’s sight now?
He does not have perfect sight, but the difference between none and limited vision is still life-changing.




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