中国日报网 2021-06-30 11:28
6月29日,教育部开通2021年高校学生资助热线电话(hotlines for inquiries on college financial-aid programs),电话号码为010-66097980、010-66096590。
This marks the 17th year in a row that the Ministry of Education has opened such hotlines for inquiries and complaints regarding the country's financial-aid policies for college students.
目前,国家已经建立了覆盖各教育阶段、各级各类学校、所有家庭经济困难学生的资助政策体系(a financial assistance system covering all students from disadvantaged backgrounds at all levels of education)。在高等教育阶段,国家奖学金(national scholarship)、国家励志奖学金(national endeavor scholarship)、国家助学金(national grant)、国家助学贷款(national student loans)、新生入学资助(tuition assistance for freshmen)、勤工助学(part-time jobs for students)、学费减免(tuition reduction or exemption)、补偿代偿、“绿色通道”等多种资助方式并举,确保高校家庭经济困难学生顺利入学并完成学业。
In addition to daily operations from 8 am to 8 pm during the summer vacation, as in previous years, this year will see extended hotline operations on working days throughout the year starting from Sept 16, the ministry said.
Education authorities and universities across the country are also required to open hotlines to provide information on financial aid.
Scammers normally search for targets around school opening days. The ministry urged students to stay vigilant against frauds of any kind and get information on financial aid from education authorities and colleges in order to avoid losses.
公费教育 government-paid education
生活费补助 subsidies for daily expenses
教育公平 education equality
招生对象 enrollment targets
高质量教育体系 high-quality education system
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)