“阿里女员工被侵害”引发关注 阿里凌晨公布处理决定
中国日报网 2021-08-09 11:19
Alibaba CEO Zhang Yong said in a statement that the male employee suspected of raping is fired and will never be hired by the company, two heads of relevant departments take the blame and resign from office, and the Chief Human Resources Officer is given a demerit.
单位内部的行政处罚常见的有:通报批评(name and shame)、记过(be given a demerit)、记大过(be given a serious demerit)、降级(be demoted)、撤职(be removed from office)、开除(be dismissed)、引咎辞职(take the blame and resign from office)。
The male employee is under police investigation for alledged molestation and rape, according to the statement.
The statement made it clear that Alibaba unequivocally rejects the dirty drinking culture, and will unconditionally support anyone who stands up against it.
In the post, which contained more than 8,000 words, she wrote that during a dinner meeting with a male client from Jinan Hualian supermarket, she was forced to drink too much alcohol and was then molested by the client while her supervisor turned a blind eye.
Her supervisor later broke into her room and raped her, according to the post, which was released on the internet.
She said she complained to Alibaba's human resources department but was ignored. That prompted her to distribute letters about the alleged assault in the canteen of Alibaba's headquarters in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province.
Zhang said that he was "shocked, furious and ashamed" after learning about the case.
"The HR department should apologize for ignoring her, and the related department heads should also be held responsible for this misconduct," Zhang said, vowing to fully investigate the case and make the findings available to all Alibaba employees and the public.
"We have suspended relevant parties suspected of violating our policies and values, and we have established a special internal task force to investigate the issue," it said. "We support the ongoing police investigation."
The police said that an investigation and evidence collection had been conducted, and they expect to release results in a timely manner.
Jinan Hualian supermarket announced on Sunday that it will cooperate with the investigation, and the Alibaba client accused of molestation has been suspended from work and is under police investigation.
性侵 sexual misconduct
性骚扰 sexual harassment
性暴力 sexual violence
性别平等 gender equality
女性权益 women's rights
化学阉割 chemical castration
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)