习近平:聚焦实现建军一百年奋斗目标 深入实施新时代人才强军战略
新华网 2021-11-29 09:01


Xi called for implementing the spirit of the September central conference on talent-related work and training of competent military personnel for building a strong army in the new era, to lend solid support to the realization of the goals set for the centenary of the People's Liberation Army that falls in 2027.
Talent holds the key to advancing the high-quality development of the Chinese armed forces, achieving victory in the military competition, and gaining the upper hand in future wars, Xi stressed.
The years since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012 have seen historic achievements made in the talent-related work of the Chinese military, Xi said.
Xi noted the need to cultivate a new type of high-quality and professional military personnel, and stressed upholding the absolute leadership of the CPC over the military in the whole process and all aspects of talent-related work.
Strengthening the capabilities to fight and win should be the starting point and ultimate goal of military talent cultivation, Xi said.
Xi emphasized the importance of strengthening theoretical and political education, calling the political requirement the most fundamental for military personnel.
Xi called for great efforts to improve military personnel's scientific literacy and technological know-how to improve their ability to win modern wars.
He also urged accelerating the building of first-class military schools and training of first-class military personnel.
Highlighting the precise and effective allocation of military human resources, Xi called for ensuring the cultivation and development of military talent for joint operations command, new combat forces, high-level scientific and technological innovation, and high-quality strategic management.
Xi stressed the importance of fostering an optimized atmosphere of trusting, respecting, supporting, and showing concern for talent in the armed forces.