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中国日报网 2021-12-01 10:00


数据分类分级保护制度 a category- and class-based data protection system


According to the regulations, the country shall establish a category- and class-based data protection system. The data will be classified as common, important, and core on account of its importance to national security, public interests, as well as the legitimate rights and interests of relevant individuals or organizations, said the draft regulations. Different protection measures based on the classifications will be imposed.



《意见稿》要求,数据处理者应当建立数据安全应急处置机制(data processing entities should set up emergency response mechanisms),发生数据安全事件(data security incidents)时及时启动应急响应机制,采取措施防止危害扩大,消除安全隐患。


《意见稿》对个人信息保护(personal information protection)进行了具体规范,数据处理者利用生物特征进行个人身份认证的,应当对必要性、安全性进行风险评估,不得将人脸(face)、步态、指纹(fingerprint)、虹膜(iris)、声纹等生物特征作为唯一的个人身份认证方式(exclusive method for personal identification),以强制个人同意收集其个人生物特征信息(coercive collection of personal biometric information)。


数据处理者不得因个人拒绝提供服务必需的个人信息以外的信息,拒绝提供服务或者干扰个人正常使用服务(data processing entities shall not refuse to provide services or hinder normal services to users on the ground of being rejected when collecting personal information that is unnecessary for related services)。


学科类校外培训 curriculum-based academic training



The Ministry of Education has asked local education authorities to differentiate academic tutoring companies from non-academic ones to prevent institutions from conducting curriculum-based training under the guise of non-academic tutoring.



《指南》明确了义务教育阶段校外培训项目分类鉴别依据,即要从培训目的、培训内容、培训方式、评价方式等维度(based on the purpose, content, procedure and evaluation method of the tutoring),对培训项目进行综合考量。


《指南》指出,如符合以下特征,即判定为学科类培训(be classified as academic ones)。

一是培训目的以学科知识与技能培训为导向,主要为提升学科学习成绩服务(aim to improve students' academic knowledge and grades)。二是培训内容主要涉及道德与法治、语文、历史、地理、数学、外语(英语、日语、俄语)、物理、化学、生物等学科学习(academic subjects)内容。三是培训方式重在进行学科知识讲解(curriculum-based knowledge teaching)、听说读写算等学科能力训练,以预习、授课和巩固练习等为主要过程,以教师(包括虚拟者、人工智能等)讲授示范、互动等为主要形式。四是结果评价侧重甄别与选拔,以学生学习成绩、考试结果等作为主要评价依据(evaluate students based on their exam results)。


各地要组建专家组(organize expert teams)或委托专业机构,对无法直接判断的培训项目进行综合研判,得出鉴别意见。鉴别专家组应包括相关学科、课程、教学等方面专家,且相关人员及其直系亲属未在培训机构中任职或兼职、属于非利益相关方(not involved in the tutoring companies)。鉴别工作不得受外界干扰,不得徇私舞弊,确保结论的真实、客观、公正。


培训机构要进行自我研判、自评自查(conduct self-examination and evaluation),规范开展培训活动,不得出现名不符实的情况,不得隐形变异违规开展学科类培训活动。


北京冬奥会运动员菜单 menu for athelets at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics



Organizers of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games have released a menu of 678 dishes that will be served during the Games to athletes from diverse cultural backgrounds. The menu, approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), was designed to meet the different dietary needs of athletes, while also taking religious diversity into consideration, said the organizers.



在餐饮服务上,北京、延庆、张家口三个冬奥村(Olympic Village)的服务标准、时间和内容统一。设置12种餐台,每天约200道菜供各国运动员食用(around 200 dishes will be available for athletes each day),以每8天为一个周期进行轮换。每餐都有一系列素食和清真菜式,并提供犹太洁食服务(vegetarian, halal and kosher meals will be available),满足不同口味、不同宗教的特定饮食需求,让运动员充分感受中国的热情好客(Chinese hospitality)。


冬奥会赛时恰逢中国传统春节(the 2022 Winter Olympics coincides with China's Spring Festival),菜单将围绕“中国年味”(elements of the Chinese Lunar New Year),与国际上的节日相结合,增添特色饮食餐品供应,充分展示国家化餐饮服务特色。中国特色菜品(famous local dishes)包括西湖牛肉羹、木须肉、酱爆鸡丁等,结合中国东西南北美食(cuisines from all over China)主题,展示中国饮食文化的丰富性与多样性,有川菜、粤菜、鲁菜、湘菜等,让世界各地运动员充分感受、体验中国美食文化魅力(enable global athletes to fully experience Chinese cuisine)。

冬奥会(冬残奥会)赛时期间,奥运村部餐饮处(the catering service)严格遵守疫情防控要求。在运动员餐厅出入口(the entrance and exit of the restaurant)、取餐流线(the food distribution area)等关键点位,设置防疫用品台,摆放口罩、手套、酒精棉片(alcohol cotton pads)和免洗手消毒剂(hand-washing disinfectants)等消毒用品。进门后,设有智能保温取餐柜,实现人员分流就餐;设有智能引导机器人(guiding robots),提供咨询、引导服务。餐厅使用可降解环保餐具(biodegradable tableware),充分体现绿色办奥(hold a green Olympic Games)的理念。冬残奥会期间在运动员餐厅增设更多的无障碍餐饮服务(barrier-free access),增设可移动座位、设计盲文菜单(braille menus)、对菜签采取大字号进行标识。


媒体签证 visas for journalists




China places great importance on the issue of media and has been doing its utmost to provide assistance, convenience and service to foreign journalists, including American journalists, in their reporting that is conducted in accordance with laws and regulations. In the meantime, we are unequivocally opposed to discriminatory practice on the US side against Chinese media in the US.


After multiple rounds of consultations, China and the United States have recently reached three consensuses on their visa policies for journalists based on the principles of mutual respect, reciprocity and mutual benefit.


The two sides agreed to ensure that journalists from either country currently based in the other country can enter and leave that country normally on the premise of strictly observing laws and consular regulations.


The two sides also agreed to issue one-year multiple entry visas to journalists from the other country, and the US side pledged to immediately initiate domestic procedures to address the "duration of status" issues for Chinese journalists. The Chinese side promised to give equal treatment to American journalists in China after the US policies enter into force.


Both parties will approve visas on an equal footing for new journalists who meet application requirements in accordance with laws and regulations.


赵立坚说,这一成果来之不易,符合双方媒体利益,值得珍惜(this achievement was hard-won, meets the interests of both sides, and is worth cherishing)。希望美方信守承诺(honor its words),尽快将有关措施政策落实到位(implement the relevant policies as soon as possible),同中方共同努力,为两国媒体在对方国家工作生活持续创造有利条件(work with China to continue creating favorable working and living conditions for the media of both countries)。


党的二十大代表选举 election of the delegates for the 20th National Congress of the CPC


The Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene its 20th National Congress in Beijing in the second half of 2022, the 19th CPC Central Committee decided at its sixth plenary session earlier this month.


The congress comes at an important time when the CPC has embarked on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects and to realize the Second Centenary Goal. It will be a highly important meeting and an event of great political significance for both the Party and the country.


The election of the delegates will lay an important foundation for the success of this congress.


党中央确定,二十大代表名额共2300名,由全国38个选举单位选举产生(according to the CPC leadership, a total of 2,300 delegates will be elected by 38 electoral units across the country)。做好二十大代表选举工作,要坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持以党章为根本遵循,坚持党的性质宗旨,坚持和加强党的全面领导,充分发扬党内民主(intra-Party democracy),严格资格条件,严密产生程序,严肃选举纪律,确保选出的二十大代表素质优良、结构合理、分布广泛、党员拥护(ensure that high-caliber delegates are elected, their composition is well structured, and the delegates come from a broad spectrum with the support of other Party members)。


党中央提出,二十大代表应是共产党员中的优秀分子(excellent Party members)。要严把人选政治关,坚持把政治标准放在首位(political standards must be prioritized when selecting candidates),突出考察人选的理想信念、政治品格和道德修养(the candidates' commitment to ideals and convictions should be considered first, as well as their political character and moral traits),着重了解人选政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”等方面的表现情况,对政治上不合格的一票否决。


要进一步优化代表结构(improve the composition of delegates),既要有各级党员领导干部(Party officials at each level),又要有生产和工作第一线的党员(those from the front line of production and work),保证生产和工作第一线代表比例,注重推荐工人、农民和专业技术人员党员中的先进模范人物(exemplary workers, farmers and professionals)作为代表人选;女党员和少数民族党员代表(female delegates and those from ethnic minority groups)应占一定比例。要有经济、科技、国防、政法、教育、宣传、文化、卫生、体育和社会管理等各方面的代表。


党中央要求,二十大代表的选举产生,采取自下而上、上下结合、反复酝酿、逐级遴选的办法进行。要深入开展宣传教育,广泛发动基层党组织和党员积极参与代表人选的推荐提名(grassroots Party members and organizations should be extensively mobilized to take part in the nomination of candidates),根据多数党组织和党员的意见,逐级遴选择优。


The election will run from now on until the end of June 2022, according to the statement.


代办级 the chargé d’affaires level


On November 18, Lithuania, in disregard of China’s strong protest and repeated representations, allowed the Taiwan authorities to set up a “Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania”. This act openly creates the false impression of “one China, one Taiwan” in the world, renounces the political commitment made by Lithuania in the communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, undermines China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs. The Chinese side expresses its strong indignation and protest against this move, and decides to downgrade its diplomatic relations with Lithuania to the chargé d’affaires level.


据外交部网站“礼宾知识”介绍,外交代表机关(body of diplomatic representatives)是一国派驻另一国的官方代表机构。在达成建交协议后,建交双方在对方首都各自设立与外交代表等级相应的外交代表机关。外交代表机关通常分为三级:以大使(ambassador)为馆长的称大使馆(embassy)(以高级专员为馆长的称高级专员公署);以公使为馆长的称公使馆(legation);以代办为馆长的称代办处(chargé d’affaire)。

There is only one China in the world and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. The one-China principle is an overwhelming consensus of the international community, a widely recognized norm governing international relations, and the political foundation for China and Lithuania to develop bilateral ties. The Chinese government has, out of goodwill to preserve China-Lithuania ties, repeatedly warned Lithuania against acting in bad faith. Regrettably, Lithuania has chosen to ignore China’s solemn position and to disregard the broader interests of bilateral ties and the basic norms governing international relations. It has allowed the establishment in Lithuania of the “Representative Office” bearing the name of Taiwan, thus creating an egregious precedent in the world. Given the fact that the political foundation for an ambassadorial-level diplomatic relationship has been damaged by Lithuania, the Chinese government, out of the need to safeguard national sovereignty and basic norms governing international relations, has no choice but to downgrade its diplomatic relations with Lithuania to the chargé d’affaires level. The Lithuanian government must bear all the ensuing consequences. We urge the Lithuanian side to immediately put right its mistake and not to underestimate the Chinese people’s strong resolve, will and capability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We also have this stern warning for the Taiwan authorities: Taiwan is never a country. No matter how “Taiwan independence” forces try to misrepresent facts and confound black and white, the historical fact that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same China cannot be changed. Attempts to seek foreign support for political manipulation will prove a dead end.


中美混双 Chinese and US mixed double



Chinese and US players will team up in the mixed doubles competition at the 2021 Houston World Table Tennis Championships, said the International Table Tennis Federation.Chinese player Lin Gaoyuan will partner with US player Lily Zhang, and US player Kanak Jha will partner with Chinese player Wang Manyu.


I’m really happy to be partnering with Lily Zhang for the Mixed Doubles event. She’s the top table tennis player in the US, our goal is to come out on top for this event. The biggest advantage about pairing with her is that she speaks Mandarin. I hope we can get into the groove soon, develop good chemistry and work hard towards a great performance. And I hope fans from both China and the US will cheer on the China-US Mixed Doubles pairs.
很高兴能够与张安配对参加世乒赛的混双比赛,张安是美国队一号, 我们的目标是争第一。我们配合最大的优势是她也会说中文,希望我们能够迅速进入状态,配合默契,通过努力取得好的成绩。希望两支球队的球迷都能为我们这两对混双组合加油。



It’s going to be amazing; it is so cool to be able to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ping-Pong Diplomacy here in the US where the World championships will be held for the first time. I think it will be a historical moment, and I am really glad that our two countries are able to work together through sport. I am very excited to play with Lin Gaoyuan, it’s so cool to pair with a Chinese national team player. They’re the best in the world, so I will do my best and hopefully we can work well together and get a good result.


Once again, we are all witnessing the unique power of sport and how table tennis can create dialogues and foster mutual understanding. This will inspire us to deliver an extraordinary and historical Championships and to encourage the dreams, hopes and aspirations of not only the entire table tennis community but also the next generation worldwide.



A few days ago, when the Chinese team arrived in Houston, I was deeply moved by the efforts ITTF, USA Table Tennis and Houston Sports Authority put into organizing a sports event during a pandemic. We have been thinking about how we can build on the China-US friendship kickstarted by our predecessors 50 years ago, and further enhance this relationship through sports events, sports activities and community events. On this basis, the CTTA alongside USA Table Tennis proposed to ITTF to have Chinese and American players paired up for Mixed Doubles – so that these athletes, who are friends with each other, can work together in the competition; so that fans from both countries can cheer them on, opening a new chapter of Ping-Pong Diplomacy in this new era.


“乒乓外交”(Ping-Pong Diplomacy)始于1971年在日本名古屋举行的第31届世界乒乓球锦标赛(World Table Tennis Championships)期间美国选手科恩误上了中国队的大巴车,该事件促成了中华人民共和国与美国两国乒乓球队互访的一系列事件(the series of history-making reciprocal visits by the US and Chinese national table tennis teams),从此结束了中美两国20多年来人员交往隔绝的局面。中美两国乒乓球队的友好往来,不仅推动了中美两国关系正常化(normalizing the countries' strained relations)的进程,也加速了新中国走向世界的步伐。


China's Ma Long and Germany's Timo Boll played doubles together at the Qoros 2015 World Table Tennis Championships held in Suzhou, China.

Xu Xin paired with Yang Hae-un of South Korea to win the World Championships mixed doubles title in 2015.


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