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用英语道歉的方式 [上集]



英国人是出了名的爱道歉。“道歉” 用英语怎么说?在口语会话中,除了可以说 “I'm sorry.” 以外,还有哪些语句可以用来表示自己因犯错而感到抱歉?看视频,学习用不同的方式说 “对不起”。


Hi, I'm Sam from BBC Learning English. People in the UK have a reputation for saying sorry a lot, so let's have a look at different ways you can use to do this.

- You can say sorry
- You can be sorry
- And you can apologise

In each case, we use the preposition 'to' with a person and 'for' to give the reason we're apologising:

I said sorry to my friend for forgetting her birthday.

After 'for' you can use a gerund or a noun.

But if you want a simple statement to say I was wrong, you can use any of these:

My bad.
My mistake.
My apologies. 
It's all my fault.
Please forgive me. 
I take full responsibility. 
It won’t happen again. 

Careful who you say these to – my bad! is very informal and you would probably only say it after making a small mistake. It won't happen again is probably better in more serious situations.


1. 常用的表示 “道歉” 的说法有:say sorry(说对不起);be sorry(感到抱歉);apologise(道歉)。我们可以用介词 “to” 说明 “向” 某人道歉;用 “for” 引出 “为” 某事或某原因而道歉,“for” 后面可加名词或 “-ing” 动名词。 

I said sorry to my friend for forgetting her birthday.

I'm sorry for the incovenience.

She apologised to her brother for breaking his toy by accident.

I aplogise for my inapropriate joke earlier.

2. 口语中常见的简单道歉句式如下。注意使用句子的场合,以下句子按比较轻松、不正式至比较严肃、正式的顺序排列。

My bad.

My mistake.

My apologies.

It's all my fault.

Please forgive me.

I take full responsibility.

It won’t happen again.


On the back burner 暂时搁置


Blue-sky thinking 奇思妙想


Don’t mind me 不用管我,忽略我

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