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Plastic pollution: Green light for 'historic' treaty “历史性” 协商应对塑料污染


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世界多国将制定一项旨在解决塑料污染问题的国际条约。近 200 个国家同意就这份协议展开磋商,以采取行动,应对 “塑料危机”。

There's growing concern that discarded plastic is destroying habitats, harming wildlife and contaminating the food chain. And because the problem spans international boundaries, a global solution is required.


In what's being seen as a landmark decision, the United Nations is moving forward with plans to bring in a legally binding international treaty that targets plastic at all stages of use, not just clearing up bottles and straws in the oceans, but addressing the design, production and recycling of all plastic products.


Environment groups say the resolution paves the way for a cleaner, safer future for people and the planet. But turning off the plastic tap won't be easy – at the current rate of production, there'll be an estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of plastic on the planet by 2040.



discarded 被丢弃的
contaminating 污染
landmark 有里程碑意义的;里程碑
legally binding 有法律约束力的
targets 针对
paves the way 为…铺平道路


1. Why is a global solution required to tackle plastic pollution?

2. What stages of the plastic pollution problem will the UN's legally binding international treaty try to tackle?

3. How much plastic waste is it estimated there will be on the planet by 2040?

4. Who thinks this treaty will be better for people and the planet?


1. Why is a global solution required to tackle plastic pollution?
Because the plastic pollution problem spans international boundaries – it affects all countries.

2. What stages of the plastic pollution problem will the UN's legally binding international treaty try to tackle?
The UN treaty aims to target plastic at all stages of use.

3. How much plastic waste is it estimated there will be on the planet by 2040?
At the current rate of production there'll be an estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of plastic on the planet by 2040.

4. Who thinks this treaty will be better for people and the planet?
Environment groups say the resolution will be better for people and the planet.




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