习近平回信勉励广大航天青年 弘扬“两弹一星”精神载人航天精神 为航天科技实现高水平自立自强再立新功
新华社 2022-05-03 14:33

新华社北京5月3日电 在五四青年节到来之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平5月2日给中国航天科技集团空间站建造青年团队回信,向航天战线全体青年致以节日的祝贺,并向他们提出殷切期望。
Xi encourages youth to help boost China's aerospace sci-tech self-reliance
Chinese President Xi Jinping has encouraged youth in the aerospace sector to contribute more to China's realization of greater self-reliance in aerospace science and technology.
Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a Monday letter replying to a youth team working on space station construction at the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).
Xi extended greetings to all youth in the aerospace sector in the letter for China's coming Youth Day, which falls on May 4.
He recalled his exchanges with young researchers during a visit to the CASC nine years ago.
He said China's space industry has continuously made new advancements, including the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System satellites, Chang'e lunar probes, Tianwen-1 Mars probe, Xihe solar exploration satellite, as well as the Tiangong space station and its core module Tianhe.
A large number of young people in the sector have taken the lead and shouldered important responsibilities, demonstrating the enterprising spirit of Chinese youth of the new era, he added.
Making China stronger in the aerospace sector requires continuous efforts across generations, Xi underlined.
He encouraged youth in the sector to carry forward the spirit of "Two Bombs, One Satellite" (Two Bombs refers to the atomic bomb and the intercontinental ballistic missile, while One Satellite refers to the artificial satellite) and the spirit of China's manned space program, and to contribute more on the country's journey to explore space and to its realization of high-level self-reliance in aerospace science and technology through innovation.
Xi visited the China Academy of Space Technology under the CASC on May 4, 2013, and had a discussion with outstanding youth representatives from all sectors.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, the youth team working on space station construction at the CASC wrote a letter to Xi, reporting on behalf of the company's 80,000 young people their work on promoting China's space sci-tech development over the past nine years, and expressing their firm resolve to strive to make the country stronger in the aerospace sector.