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The importance of bees 蜜蜂的重要性


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你喜欢蜜蜂吗?除了能带来蜂蜜以外,它们作为传粉昆虫,也是生态系统中重要的一环。近来,这类毛绒绒的小动物的数量正在持续下降,这是为什么?本期 “随身英语” 节目讨论保护蜜蜂的重要性。

词汇:bees and wildlife 蜜蜂与野生动植物

How do you feel about bees? Do you get irritated when they buzz around you and do you fear their mission is just to sting you? Love them or loathe them, these little insects are extremely important creatures, and without them we might starve.

Bees deserve some respect – they give us honey, and they play their part either pollinating the many vegetables and fruits we eat directly or pollinating the food for the animals that we then consume. In fact, they are the world’s most important pollinators. That’s not all – a study by the University of Reading in the UK, found bees and other pollinating insects have a global economic value of around £120bn ($150bn) and contribute around £690m ($850m) to the UK economy every year.

So, bees are worth protecting, and although a small number of bee species are vital for crops such as oilseed rape, apples and strawberries, experts say we should be taking care of all our bees. Researchers say conservation efforts should be aimed at a wide number of species – even those that currently contribute little to crop pollination – in order to maintain biodiversity and ensure future food security.

Unfortunately, in recent times, bee populations have been declining due to pesticides, parasites, disease and habitat loss. It’s something we should be worried about because, as Gill Perkins, chief executive of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, told BBC Future website: “They provide a whole ecosystem service.” The recent lockdowns caused by the coronavirus pandemic seem to have given bee populations a little boost because they faced less human disturbance, traffic and polluting fumes.

Conservationists hope, going forward, people will appreciate bees more and encourage them to thrive as they reconnect with nature. Gill Perkins says, “They are beginning to realise how their mental health and wellbeing is supported by nature – particularly by bumblebees, which are so iconic and beautiful and buzzy.” So, it really seems time to give bees a second chance.


buzz 嗡嗡地叫
sting 叮,蜇
insect 昆虫
pollinate 给(植物)传授花粉
pollinator 传粉昆虫
species 物种
oilseed rape 欧洲油菜
conservation (对动植物的)保护
biodiversity 生物多样性
pesticide 农药,杀虫剂
parasite 寄生生物
habitat loss 栖息地流失
ecosystem 生态系统
thrive 繁衍生息,茁壮成长
nature 自然
bumblebee 大黄蜂
give (something or someone) a second chance 再给(某物或人)一次机会


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What do bees do to the fruits and vegetables we eat?

2. How much global economic value are pollinating insects thought to have?

3. What reasons have contributed to the decline in bee populations?

4. True or false? Gill Perkins says reconnecting with nature helps improve the mental health of bumblebees.

5. How many bee species are responsible for pollinating crops like oilseed rape?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. A rare _______ of bird has been found in the Amazon rainforest.

parasites                     species                           biodiversity                nature

2. A _______ project has helped increase the elephant population in Africa.

conservationist            conservational                conservation              conserve

3. This plant _______ in shady areas so should be perfect for your garden.

thrives                         pollinates                         ecosystem                 parasites

4. I was going to dump my boyfriend but decided to _______.

give him a seconds chance                                 gave him a second chance            

given him a second chances                               give him a second chance

5. Since the farmer sprayed _______ on his crops, people nearby have been complaining of breathing difficulties. 

parasites                       pesticides                       oilseed rape              pollinators


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What do bees do to the fruits and vegetables we eat?
They pollinate them.

2. How much global economic value are pollinating insects thought to have?
A study by the University of Reading in the UK, found bees and other pollinating insects have a global economic value of around £120bn ($150bn).

3. What reasons have contributed to the decline in bee populations?
In recent times, bee populations have been declining due to pesticides, parasites, disease and habitat loss.

4. True or false? Gill Perkins says reconnecting with nature helps improve the mental health of bumblebees.
False. She said people are beginning to realise how their mental health and wellbeing is supported by nature.

5. How many bee species are responsible for pollinating crops like oilseed rape?
Only a small number of bee species are vital for crops such as oilseed rape, apples and strawberries. 

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. A rare species of bird has been found in the Amazon rainforest.

2. A conservation project has helped increase the elephant population in Africa.

3. This plant thrives in shady areas so should be perfect for your garden.

4. I was going to dump my boyfriend but decided to give him a second chance.

5. Since the farmer sprayed pesticides on his crops, people nearby have been complaining of breathing difficulties.




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