中国日报双语新闻微信 2022-09-18 08:00


Chinese researchers concluded a new study which shows that Chinese adults and children are more likely to be allergic to seafood, and less likely to be allergic to peanuts compared to people in the United States and Europe.
结果显示,江西人民的常见过敏原食物(food allergen)从高到低排序依次为虾、芒果、贝类、鸡蛋、鱼、牛肉、牛奶和羊肉,以动物源食物为主,与欧洲以花生、大豆为主有差异。
According to the study, shrimp, mangos and shellfish are the top three common food allergens in China's Jiangxi province, followed by eggs, fish, beef, milk and mutton.
"For instance, in a previous study on self-reported food allergies among children, seafood topped the list, followed by fish, eggs, fruits and milk," he said.
Chen said more epidemiological research is needed to address these discrepancies and to determine if various dietary habits across China result in varied food sensitivity.
还有一篇着重分析总结了2000年至2021年关于中国人食物过敏的24项研究成果。相关研究成果显示, 2009年至2018年,食物过敏的流行率为8%,高于1999-2008年(5%),这表明中国食物过敏的流行率正在上升。
In a separate study also published in China CDC Weekly last week, researchers found that the prevalence of food allergies in the population was 8 percent from 2009 to 2018, up from 5 percent from 1999 to 2008, "indicating that the prevalence of food allergies in China is on the rise".
Luo Xiaoqun, a doctor at Fudan University's Huashan Hospital, said during an interview with media outlet that the increasing rate of food allergies is a phenomenon observed worldwide, driven by changes in lifestyles, eating habits, as well as growing health awareness and diagnostic ability.
● 重视婴儿阶段的食物摄入。父母过敏的东西,给婴儿初次接触时需适当控制、观察,但不能绝对禁止;尽量母乳(breast milk)喂养,加入辅食时,不要一次性加入多种食物,以便及时明确是哪种食物导致的过敏。
Breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding may reduce the risk of allergy and is linked to other health benefits.
● 怀疑有过敏症状,及时到医院进行过敏原测试,不要讳疾忌医。
An allergy test can determine whether your body has an allergic reaction to a known substance.
● 有明确过敏症的人群需要忌口,避免接触过敏原(allergen),也需要常备抗过敏药物,出现症状时及时吃药遏制。
Avoid your allergens and take your medicines as prescribed.
(来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:焦洁、实习生徐璐瑶 记者:王小予)