习近平向康复国际百年庆典致贺信 在全国助残日之际,向全国广大残疾人及其亲属,向广大残疾人工作者致以亲切问候
新华网 2023-05-21 12:41

新华社北京5月21日电 5月21日,国家主席习近平向康复国际百年庆典致贺信,并在全国助残日之际,向全国广大残疾人及其亲属,向广大残疾人工作者致以亲切问候,向关心支持中国残疾人事业的国际组织和各方人士表示衷心感谢。
Xi sends congratulatory letter to Rehabilitation International Centennial Celebration
Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the Rehabilitation International Centennial Celebration on Sunday.
On China's 33rd national day of assisting disabled persons on Sunday, Xi extended his greetings to all individuals with disabilities, their relatives, and the dedicated personnel serving them across the nation. He also expressed gratitude to all international organizations and personages from all walks of life who demonstrate care and support for the cause of empowering people with disabilities in China.
Rehabilitation International is an international organization of great influence in regard to the cause of persons with disabilities, and has worked tirelessly in safeguarding the dignity of such individuals, protecting their rights and improving their well-being, said Xi. He added that China actively supports the organization's work.
China pays particular attention to the well-being of people with disabilities in the country, Xi said, noting the country will continue to improve the social security and service systems for these people and promote the all-around development of relevant programs.
China is willing to join hands with all countries worldwide to promote international exchanges and cooperation on disability, and continue improving the health and well-being of humankind, Xi said.
Hosted by Rehabilitation International and organized by the China Disabled Persons' Federation, the centennial celebrations of Rehabilitation International kicked off in Beijing on Sunday.