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First ever full-sized scan of the Titanic 泰坦尼克号首次全尺寸扫描揭示沉船全貌

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世界上最著名的沉船——泰坦尼克号残骸 的全尺寸 3D 扫描 首度公开。

The Titanic lies nearly 4,000 metres down in the Atlantic, but she's so huge that in the gloom, cameras can only show tantalising snapshots of the decaying ship – never the whole thing.


This new full-sized scan reveals the wreck in its entirety. Using submersibles, the deep-sea mapping company Magellan, and the documentary makers Atlantic Productions, have created an unprecedented 3D view of the Titanic, enabling the liner to be seen as if the water had been drained away.

这个新的全尺寸扫描模型展现了沉船的全貌。深海测绘公司麦哲伦(Magellan)和纪录片制作公司大西洋制作公司(Atlantic Productions)利用深潜器材,创建了一个史无前例的泰坦尼克号3D模型视图,所呈现的这艘巨轮的面貌就像它周围的海水已被排干了一样。

The bow covered in stalactites of rust is still instantly recognisable, but the stern is a tangle of metal, where it collapsed as it corkscrewed into the seabed. Minute details can be seen, including individual rivets and the serial number on a propeller. The team hopes the scan will reveal more about the Titanic and how she sank.



gloom 昏暗,黑暗
tantalising 吸引人兴趣的,吊人胃口的
decaying 腐蚀的
unprecedented 前所未有的,史无前例的
stalactites 钟乳石
rivets 铆钉


1. Where is the wreck of the Titanic?

2. What is the bow covered in?

3. What minute details can be seen in the new scan?

4. What outcome does the team hope will come from the scan?


1. Where is the wreck of the Titanic?  

The Titanic lies nearly 4,000 metres down in the Atlantic.

2. What is the bow covered in?

The bow is covered in stalactites of rust.

3. What minute details can be seen in the new scan?

Minute details can be seen, including individual rivets and the serial number on  a propeller.

4. What outcome does the team hope will come from the scan?

The team hopes the scan will reveal more about the Titanic and how she sank.




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