习近平回信勉励“模范空降兵连”全体官兵 弘扬光荣传统 苦练过硬本领 努力锻造敢打必胜的空降利刃
新华社 2023-08-01 08:39

新华社北京7月31日电 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日给“模范空降兵连”全体官兵回信,对他们予以亲切勉励,并致以八一建军节的祝贺。
Xi replies to letter from Chinese paratroopers
President Xi Jinping has called on Chinese paratroopers to carry on their glorious tradition, sharpen their skills, and strive to forge a blade-like force that is ready to fight and able to win.
Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a letter replying to the paratroopers of a model airborne company and extended festive greetings to them, ahead of China's Army Day, which falls on Aug. 1.
In the reply letter, Xi said he is pleased to learn about the progress the company has achieved and expressed the hope that the paratroopers remain committed to their mission, honor their fine tradition, boost their courage, sharpen their skills and make new contributions to the Party and the people.
The company, known for a number of heroic model soldiers in its history including Huang Jiguang who sacrificed his life in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-1953), has accomplished a series of important missions and maintained its excellence for decades.
In 2013, Xi granted the company the title of "model airborne company" and, at a 2014 meeting with the company's then political instructor, he extended amiable greetings to officers and soldiers of the whole company.