新华网 2023-09-23 14:50

把高质量发展的要求贯穿新型工业化全过程 为中国式现代化构筑强大物质技术基础
新华社北京9月23日电 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日就推进新型工业化作出重要指示指出,新时代新征程,以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业,实现新型工业化是关键任务。要完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,统筹发展和安全,深刻把握新时代新征程推进新型工业化的基本规律,积极主动适应和引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革,把高质量发展的要求贯穿新型工业化全过程,把建设制造强国同发展数字经济、产业信息化等有机结合,为中国式现代化构筑强大物质技术基础。
Xi Jinping gives important instructions on promoting new industrialization
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently delivered important instructions on pushing forward new industrialization, pointing out that realizing new industrialization is a key task in the nation's pursuit of Chinese modernization to comprehensively build a stronger country and advance national rejuvenation on the new journey in the new era. He stressed the importance of fully and faithfully implementing the new development philosophy on all fronts, coordinating development and security, and grasping the right approach to promoting new industrialization on the new journey of the new era. He urged the need to actively adapt to and lead the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, seek high-quality development in the promotion of new industrialization, and integrate the building of a manufacturing powerhouse with the development of digital economy and application of information technology, so as to build a strong material and technological foundation for the realization of Chinese modernization.
Xi stressed that promoting new industrialization is a systematic project. This requires a framework under which the unified leadership of the Party committees (leading Party members groups) at various levels is in place, governments are in charge of implementing plans, enterprises play the principal role, the whole society participates in different ways, and support of policies and factors must be guaranteed. All parties involved must forge ahead with innovation, shoulder responsibility, and pool the great strength to promote new industrialization, so as to make new and greater contributions to building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.
The national meeting on promoting new industrialization was held in Beijing from September 22 to 23. Xi's important instructions were read out in the meeting. Li Qiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese premier, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.
Li pointed out in his speech that Xi's important instructions fully expounded the key significance, principles and tasks of promoting new industrialization on the new journey in the new era. His instructions, being of political, theoretical and guiding importance, point out where to go for doing the work in this regard. We must thoroughly understand his instructions and follow them through in an earnest manner.
Li also pointed out that General Secretary Xi made important remarks on a series of major theoretical and practical issues on new industrialization since the 18th CPC national congress. These remarks have extensively enriched and developed the Party's understanding on how industrialization can be realized, and provided guidance for promoting new industrialization. Li noted the importance of understanding the "Two Affirmations" and practicing the "Two Upholds," and called for thorough understanding of Xi's instructions and remarks on new industrialization. He said that the governments at all levels must understand the strategic positioning, and conditions in different stages as well as the possible changes the country may face in different circumstances in promoting new industrialization, fully and faithfully apply the new development philosophy on all fronts, and stay committed to the path of new industrialization with Chinese characteristics, so as to build China into a manufacturing power and better facilitate the forging of a new development paradigm and promote high-quality development for the realization of Chinese modernization.
Li emphasized the need to respond to the call of the times and adapt to changes in situation. Resilience and security of the industrial and supply chains should be strengthened especially in key areas and sectors. Upgrading of industrial capacity in innovation must be accelerated, and optimization of industrial structure should be continuously promoted, and so should the in-depth integration of digital technology into the real economy, and the green development of the industrial sector. It is imperative to continuously further reform and opening up, make it possible for all sorts of enterprises complement each other with their own strengths and grow together, give full play to the supportive role of the unified national market, guide the rational distribution of industries with the functional zoning strategy, and make good use of domestic and international markets and resources to constantly build momentum and vitality for advancing new industrialization. It is essential to uphold overall Party leadership throughout the whole process of promoting new industrialization, strengthen organizational leadership, supportive policies and supply of personnel, so as to form a strong synergy to speed up advancing new industrialization.
Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said in his concluding speech that we must further align what we think and do with General Secretary Xi's important instructions as well as the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee. We must implement the requirements Premier Li Qiang made in his speech, strengthen the overall leadership of the Party, boost political responsibilities and systems thinking, and carry forward the fighting spirit. Great efforts must be constantly made to strengthen technological innovation, ensure industrial security, optimize the industrial structure and promote the upgrading of industrial systems. Much work must be done to promote the digital and green development of the industrial sector, further reform and opening up, and increase dynamics and vitality, so as to make solid progress in the implementation of all tasks for promoting new industrialization and put into concrete action the "Two Upholds."
Wu Zhenglong attended the meeting.
The meeting was held in the form of a teleconference. Leading officials who attended the meeting include those of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the relevant central Party and government departments, relevant people's organizations, financial institutions and enterprises directly under the central government, relevant sectors of the military, and some manufacturing enterprises.