本网小评:1967年1月17日,列侬在《每日邮报》上看到他的朋友Tara Browne(塔拉·布朗尼)――爱尔兰著名酿酒商Guinness的后代――的死讯后,创作了这首歌曲,但整首歌并没有寄托哀思,这或许就是理解此支曲子的突破口。在歌中,列侬罗列了一天中的四个事件。首先,他告诉大家……
A day in the lifeBy John Lennon
I read a news today, oh boy,
Abouta lucky man who made the grade,
And though the news was rather sad,
Well, I just had to laugh.
I saw the photograph.
Heblew his mind outin a car,
He didn't notice that the lights have changed,
A crowd of people stood and stared,
They've seen his face before,
Nobody was really sure if he was fromthe House of Lords.
I saw a film today, oh boy,
The English army had just won the war,
A crowd of people turned away,
But I just had a look,
Having read a book, I'd like toturn you on...
Woke up, fell out of bed,
dragged a comb across my head,
found my way downstairs anddrank a cup,
and looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my head,
made the bus in seconds flat,
found my way upstairsand had a smoke,
and somebody spoke and I went into a dream.
I read a news today, oh boy,
four thousand holes inBlackburn Lancashire,
and though the holes were rather small,
they had to count them all,
now they know how many holes it takes to fill theAlbert Hall,
I'd love to turn you on.
Words and Phrases
1. a lucky man who made the grade:一个成功的幸运儿。
2. He blew his mind out:丧失心智,神志不清,通常指喝药后的状态。
3. the House of Lords:英国上议院,由皇室贵族组成。
4. Having read the book:刚读过书,意思指自己对整个事情的真相已经明了。
5. turn you on:让某人感兴趣,通常指使对方尝试"性"或"吸毒"方面的快感;正是由于这层隐讳的含意,英国BBC电台认为《生命中的一天》在鼓励人们吸毒,因而当时禁止播放这首歌曲。
6. drank a cup:喝一杯茶或是咖啡,英国可能主要是茶。
7. found my way upstairs:走到上面一层,英国有些公车有两层,上层可以吸烟。
8. Blackburn Lancashire:位于英国西北部,据说这里是英国著名的闹鬼胜地。
9. Albert Hall:指the Royal Albert Hall(皇家阿尔伯特大厅),是英国最大的音乐厅,成圆拱形,上下一共6层,满座时可容纳近万人。
生命中的一天 约翰·列侬