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Fast food nation《快餐帝国》(精讲之一)
[ 2007-10-12 10:04 ]


文化面面观   Teletubbies:明星娃娃“天线宝宝”

影片简介  Fast food nation 快餐帝国

考考你   小试牛刀



Jack: Okay, okay. There's no shortage of future slogans. Phil, what have you got?

Phil: Well, um, same store sales are up 8.4% this quarter which is just... amazing. And the increase extends across every demographic. It's "tweens," heavy users, minivan dads, even seniors. So, clearly, the Big One is not only a big hit, it is quickly becoming the flagship of our brand.

Dave: Which we'll be building on, both in the upcoming second half of our campaign and in merchandising.

Jack: Terrific. Don, what about those Little Big Ones?

Don: Well, uh, last week, you know, we did a pretty extensive focus group with some of the kids from Martin Luther King Elementary.

Jack: Yeah?

Don: And it went great. Tested 91% in the top three boxes. They loved 'em.

Jack: What is it now, eight to a bag?

Don: No, no, no. You're thinking about theItty Bittys.

Jack: Oh.

Don: No, no. We figure three Little Big Ones for each kid's meal is gonna work out about right. But we wanna do a little more testing on that as well.

Jack: How about Disney?

Don: No word yet.

Dave: Also, the PBS deal doesn't seem to be happening. Uh, apparently Burger King and McDonald's have the Teletubbies alllocked up.

Jack: Fuck 'em.

Don: That's wonderful.

Man: Yeah? You like that? That's the Barbecue Big One.

Don: Wow. Tastes like it's right off the grill.

Man: You don't think it needs… like liquid smoke or any other kind of flavorings?

Don: No. No, no, no. I think it's perfect. Let's test that.

Man: Okay. Try this one.

Don: I don't know.

Man: Yeah. These Caribbean seasonings are kind of tricky.

Don: We're calling 'em Calypso Chicken Tenders. Yeah. I think people are gonna have an expectation for, uh maybe a touch of lime?

Man: Oh, lime? Lime's easy. I just held back on the terpinoline on this to keep the flavorings subtle. But I can always go back and add more.

Don: Yeah. Why don't you try that?

Man: I'll keep working on it.


1. Tween

Also, tween, tweeny. a youngster between 9 and 12 years of age, considered too old to be a child and too young to be a teenager.

2. Big hit

Hit 可以指“成功的/热门的事物”,例如:a Broadway hit百老汇热门的戏剧。 Big hit 就更强调了这种成功性。

当hit 做动词用时,hit it big 这个俚语也可以表示“成功”,例如:Some investors hit it big on the stock market.

3. Flagship

Flagship 指的是“王牌,佼佼者”,例如:This paper is the flagship of this city’s newspaper chain.

4. Build on

这个片语的意思是“doing further work on something, add as an extension”,例如:They decided to build on an addition.

这个片语也写作build upon,它还有一个用法,相当于 base on,例如:She was building all her hopes on passing the exam.

5. Tested 91% in the top three boxes.

前文提到他们作了一次问卷调查。这句话指的是接受调查的人们对Big One 的打分。

6. Itty Bittys

Itty bitty 本身的意思是very small,这里可能是该公司的另一个品牌。


文化面面观   Teletubbies:明星娃娃“天线宝宝”

影片简介 Fast food nation 快餐帝国

考考你   小试牛刀

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