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[ 2008-03-10 17:29 ]


文化面面观  世界最大的连锁零售企业 Wal-Mart

考考你   一展身手





Carla: Why all the way to Del Rio?

Llewellyn: I'm gonna borrow a car from Roberto.

Carla: You can't afford one?

Llewellyn: I don't wanna register it. Look, I'll call you in a couple days.

Carla: Promise?

Llewellyn: Yes, I do.

Carla: I got a bad feeling, Llewellyn.

Llewellyn: Well I got a good one. So, they ought to even out. See, you got to quit worrying so much.

Carla: Mama's gonna raise hell. She is just gonna curse you up and down.

Llewellyn: You should be used to that.

Carla: I'm used to lots of things, I work at Wal-Mart.

Llewellyn: Not any more, Carla Jean. You're retired.

Carla: Llewellyn?

Llewellyn: Yes ma'am?

Carla: You are comin back, ain't ya?

Llewellyn: I shall return.


1. all the way

这个片语翻译成中文就是“一路到底”的意思,比如:He ran all the way home. 他一路跑回了家。

2. Del Rio


3. Promise?


4. even out

这个片语在这里的意思是“使相等”,例如:If Jane would do some of Mary's typing, that would even the work out. 如果简替玛丽做些打字的工作的化,那就扯平了。电影中Carla说有种不好的预感,Llewellyn 说自己有种很好的预感,那么就“扯平”了。


文化面面观  世界最大的连锁零售企业 Wal-Mart

考考你   一展身手

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