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Knowing 《先知》精讲之四
[ 2009-12-21 16:26 ]

Ozone layer 臭氧层与生命




Koestler: Abby, what do you like to eat for breakfast? Abby? What are you doing, honey?

Abby: It's the sun.

Koestler: There's something I need to check. Get Abby, you're coming with us. Caleb!

Phil: Hey, John, what happened? Hey! Talk to me. What happened? I've been calling you off the hook ever since I heard about the subway. John?

Koestler: Do you remember that paper on extra-solar activity I published?

Phil: Yeah, sure, I remember.

Koestler: I found evidence of a series of super-flares from a star in the outer-Pleiades region.

Phil: Right. Ratings were off the chart.

Koestler: We were both wrong. The numbers are a warning, but not just to me or any random group. They're a warning to everyone.

Phil: Okay. You're officially scaring the shit out of me right now.

Koestler: The super-flare, in our own solar system. A 100 microtesla wave of radiation that would destroy our ozone layer, killing every living organism on the planet.

Phil: We have to let everyone know. We have to call the NOAA.

Koestler: They already know. The announcement will come anytime now. I thought there was some purpose to all of this. Why did I get this prediction if there's nothing I can do about it?  How am I supposed to stop the end of the world?  Go home, Phil. Be with Kim tonight. Diana.

Diana: I'm so stupid. I've spent my whole life knowing she was right and pretending that she was insane. If we hide underground, we've got a chance, don't we?

Koestler: It's possible.

Diana: I know some caves off Route 40 past Groton. Hardly anyone knows about them, but I used to play there as a child. We could try there, right?

Koestler:  Okay. 

Diana: Okay.

Koestler: Caleb, put some clothes and shoes into your backpack. Diana, load all the non-perishable food, any water you can, into the truck.  Let's try to be out of here in 10 minutes.

Diana: You start. I'll get some bags.

Abby: Yeah.

Koestler: Allison wanted me to call you the day she left for Phoenix. She wanted me to promise her that I'd call you.

Father: I know, Jonathan.

Koestler: We haven't spoken in so long, I don't really even know why anymore. I need to tell you something.

Father: Yes?

Koestler: That sermon you preached every year at Pentecost, about the gifts of the Spirit, one was the gift of prophecy.

Father: 1 Corinthians 12. Yes, I remember it. The church should respect the prophet.

Koestler: I have a prophecy. It's about to be proven accurate. I need you to respect it and receive it as the truth. This heat we're experiencing isn't going to get better. It's going to get worse, much worse. I need you to get Mom and Grace and any supplies you can, and get below ground tonight. The basement, the sewer, the T. Just get as deep as you can and as fast as you can.

Father: And that will keep us safe from this heat?

Koestler: I don't know that, but we have to try, right?

Father: I'm sorry, John, but I'm afraid I'm not going anywhere tonight or any night. I appreciate your concern, but if it's my time, it's my time. I'm ready whenever the good Lord calls me. Are you?

Koestler: Dad?

Father: Hello? John?

Koestler: Dad?

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. off the hook: (为防止电话打进来而使听筒)不挂上。

例如:They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them.(他们摘下电话听筒,以免电话打扰他们。)

此外,off the hook还可以表示“脱身,摆脱困境”。

例如:His brother paid all his bills and he was off the hook.( 他的兄弟替他付清了账,他无债一身轻。)


科学家最近发现了一颗most earth-like extrasolar planet(太阳系以外的最类似地球的行星。)

3. super-flare: 超级耀斑。


4. ozone layer: 臭氧层。

Ozone layer是指大气层的平流层中臭氧浓度相对较高的部分,主要作用是吸收短波紫外线。由于对环境的破坏,目前地球上空已经出现an ozone hole; a hole in the ozone layer(臭氧层空洞)。

5. non-perishable:不易损坏的。

例如:It's always a practical idea to keep a supply of non-perishable food on hand that can be rotated into your diet and replenished on a regular basis.(经常准备一些不易腐坏的食品以便随时食用是个很实用的主意,并可将其加入日常的饮食之中,并定期补充储备。)

6. sermon: 训诫,布道。

例如:The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.(牧师在布道会上宣讲慈爱的必要。)

7. prophecy:预言,先知。

例如:His prophecy was fulfilled.(他的预言应验了。)


例如:The sewer is choked up with rubbish.(下水道被垃圾堵住了。)

9.It’s my time.我的时辰到了。



例如:The blessing of the Lord be upon you all.(愿上帝赐福于你们大家。)

Ozone layer 如何保护臭氧层


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