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Knowing 《先知》精讲之一
[ 2009-12-14 16:37 ]


考考你 小试牛刀




Professor Koestler: We're going to pose a topic to get you thinking along the right lines for your term paper. It's the subject of randomness versus determinism in the universe. Who's jumping in? Jessica?

Jessica: Determinism says that occurrences in nature are causally decided by preceding events or natural laws, that everything leading up to this point has happened for a reason.

Koestler: That's right. That's what determinism says. Spencer? Tell me something about the sun.

Spencer: It's hot.

Koestler: Elaborate.

Spencer: Temperature's about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit on the surface, 27 million degrees at the core.

Koestler: Good. Stacey? A word or two about the composition.

Stacey: Mostly hydrogen. Also helium with some carbon and nitrogen thrown in there.

Koestler: Excellent. Now, I want you to think about the perfect set of circumstances that put this celestial ball of fire at just the correct distance from our little blue planet for life to evolve, making it possible for you to be sitting here in this riveting lecture. But that's a nice thought, right?  Everything has a purpose, an order to it, is determined. But then there's the other side of the argument,the theory of randomness, which says it's all simply coincidence. The very fact we exist is nothing but the result of a complex yet inevitable string of chemical accidents and biological mutations. There is no grand meaning. There's no purpose.

Knowing 《先知》精讲之一

Stacey: What about you, Professor Koestler?

Koestler: What?

Stacey: Well, what do you believe?

Koestler: I think shit just happens. But that's me. Class dismissed.

Phil: Now, that's some very heavy shit for a Monday morning, by the sounds of it.

Koestler: Since when does the cosmology department audit my lectures?

Phil: Since my esteemed colleague in astrophysics owes me a latte.

Koestler: So what's on your scientific mind today?

Phil: Do you remember Kim's little sister? Ph-double D's? Remember her?

Koestler: Is it ethical to say things like that about your sister-in-law?

Phil: What? It's factual. It's peer-reviewed. I mean, it's like... Anyway, whatever. She's in town this Friday.


Phil: And she thinks that you're intriguing, which I thought was code for gay, but apparently not because she's asked if you would join us for dinner.

Koestler: Yeah, I... I don't know, Phil.

Phil: Come on, John. Come on, you owe me for last time you skipped out on me.

Koestler: Caleb was panicking.

Phil: Yeah, look, I know. And the time before that, he had a sore throat.

Koestler: Oh, no.

Clooeague: What?

Koestler: Damn it! Damn it!

Phil: What?

Koestler: Caleb's ceremony. I'm sorry, Phil.

Phil: Hey! Hey! Friday!

Koestler: I'll think about it!

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. term paper:学期报告。

Term paper属于一种research paper(研究报告),和dissertation(学位论文)有所不同。

2. determinism:决定论。


3. jump in:插话,打断谈话。

在此处,柯斯勒教授的意思是“谁先来回答问题?” 而jump/be thrown in at the deep end则是指“陷入未曾料到的艰难处境,一筹莫展”。

4. natural law:自然法则。

5. celestial:天空的,天上的。

例如:The sun, the stars and the moon are celestial bodies.(太阳, 星星和月亮都是天体。)

6. riveting:引人入胜的,非常精彩的。

Rivet做动词意思是“吸引住”,例如:Only by riveting her attention on her word could she forget her worries.(只有全身心投入到工作上她才能忘记烦恼。)而be riveted to the spot/ground则是指“吓呆了,呆若木鸡”。

7. the other side:另一面,事物的另一面。

凡事都有the other side of the coin(另一面),面对选择时,我们经常需要come down on one side of the fence or the other(二者择其一)。但有时也会laugh on the other side of your face(转喜为忧)。

8. Ph-double D:A good looking Dr or professional with big boobies(胸部很大的博士或专业人士。)

9. peer-reviewed:从同辈的角度看。对等来讲。

10.skip out on someone:(尤指不顾某人而)离开,溜走。

例如:Our roommate skipped out on us just before the rent was due.(快付房租的时候,我们的室友撇下我们溜走了。)

11.sore throat:喉咙痛。


考考你 小试牛刀

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