日期:2012年7月3日 至 7月15日
动感图像与私人肖像是兰金(Rankin)作品的代名词,在他的镜头下可谓是汇集了众生之相,既有皇室成员,又有流亡难民。 他那极具冲击力的摄影作品已成为当代肖像研究中不可或缺的一部分。从为Nike服务,到帮助妇女援助组织摄影,作品将他的个人兴趣爱好与商业活动恰当衔接。从巴西圣保罗到俄罗斯莫斯科,从英国伦敦到美国洛杉矶,他的作品在全世界各地的美术馆都会定期展览。
作为“艺述英国——英国艺术及创意产业节”旗舰活动之一,王者驾临—— 影像君主Rankin非凡艺术(中国)巡回盛典将从六月起在中国巡展。
Visually Hungry – Touring
Date: 3 to 15 July 2012
Venue: Wuhan Art Museum
Known for his dynamic and intimate portraits, Rankin has photographed countless celebrities from Britney Spears to Queen Elizabeth II. His iconic images have become part of contemporary iconography, yet his diverse portfolio also includes personal works, commercial campaigns and work for charitable organizations. This exhibition introduces a selection of his most iconic celebrity portraits together with personal works, film and more.
About the exhibition
This exhibition is divided into four parts:
1. Personal works
2. Celebrity portraits
3. Dazed & Confused
4. Film
About Rankin
Rankin first came to prominence when he co-founded the magazine Dazed & Confused with Jefferson Hack. One of the most influential British style magazines of the 1990s, it established its stylists in the fashion elite, broke some of today’s top designers and nurtured the budding careers of a generation of creative photographers. His photography has since captured some of the most influential politicians, popular musicians, revered artists and celebrated models of his time and is regularly exhibited in galleries around the world. Rankin also continues to take on projects that feature ordinary people, often questioning established notions of beauty and causing controversy and igniting debates along the way. Most recently he travelled to Johannesburg with the BBC to film South Africa in Pictures, a documentary in which he traces the country’s photographic history.