[ 2006-12-07 15:01 ]

Strippers duck their heads at a room in Nan'an, Southeast China's Fujian Province December 3, 2006. The local police have busted astriptease performancewith dozens of elderly audience involved in. Most of the audience are up to 60 with the oldest 82. Strippers and organizers have been given a 15-day detain and a fine of 1000 yuan
由图片说明,我们可看出,“脱衣舞表演”相应的英文表达为“striptease performance”,有时也可写做“striptease”、“strip”或“exotic dance”。此外,图片介绍中,“stripper”(脱衣舞女)也可用“stripteaser”或“exotic dancer”来指代。
在国外,还有一种脱衣舞表演名叫“lap dancing”(膝上艳舞),指在一些合法的脱衣酒吧里,由上裸或全裸女郎站在桌上表演脱衣舞, 如果有客人额外付钱, 她会走下来坐在客人的大腿上(lap)大跳艳舞, 故名“膝上艳舞”。