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Michelle Obama and other first ladies get a tour of the chicken coop area during a visit to Stone Barns Center.(telegraph.co.uk) |
Michelle Obama gave her healthy eating initiative a global showcase on Friday when she welcomed spouses of world leaders to tour a farm north of New York City. Mrs Obama then treated them to a seasonal lunch featuring bounty from the farm and the White House garden. The spouses included Chantal Biya, First Lady of Cameroon, Haiti's First Lady Elisabeth Preval and their counterparts from countries around the world, such as Mongolia, Swaziland and Latvia. The group toured the Stone Barns Center, about 25 miles north of New York City, which is both a farm and an educational centre working on sustainable farming – a cause championed by the First Lady. The farm shares the premises with one of the most renowned restaurants in the New York area, Blue Hill at Stone Barns, where the women lunched on tomatoes from the White House kitchen garden, eggs harvested minutes earlier from the farm's chickens, and chicken with ratatouille – also from the White House garden. Addressing the spouses, Mrs Obama, wearing an appropriately floral print dress, emphasised the importance of children learning directly about the food they eat. Also participating in the day's events were children from two local schools, who helped prepare the lunch by harvesting the eggs and collecting herbs. "Many kids may never learn that ketchup comes from a tomato and French fries from a potato, because they're disconnected from the food they eat," Mrs Obama said. The First Lady told a story about how daughter, Sasha, would not eat tomatoes until she made her own tomato, mozzarella and pesto sandwich in a cooking class at school. The day's meal was prepared by the restaurant's top chef and co-owner, Dan Barber, as well as three White House chefs who flew up for the occasion – Cristeta Comerford, Bill Yosses and Sam Kass, who is active in the First Lady's anti-obesity initiative. The spouses were serenaded by a string quartet from the Juilliard School in New York as they ate. To end, there was an appropriately healthy pudding: Red jacket apricots, accompanied by White House honey sorbet. (Agencies)
美国第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马本周五借欢迎多国“第一夫人”参观纽约市北部一家农场之机,向全世界宣传了她的健康饮食倡议。 当天,奥巴马夫人用农场和白宫菜园的收成,为“第一夫人”们奉上了一顿美味的当季午宴。 喀麦隆第一夫人尚塔尔•比亚、海地第一夫人伊丽莎白•普雷瓦尔、以及蒙古、斯威士兰和拉脱维亚等国的第一夫人们受到了款待。 第一夫人一行参观了纽约市北部25英里处的斯通畜牧中心。这里既是一家农场,也是一所研究可持续性畜牧业的教育中心,一直受到米歇尔的支持。 这家农场与纽约地区最著名的餐厅之一蓝山餐厅的斯通畜牧中心分店共用一个营业店面。在那里,第一夫人们享用了取自白宫菜园的西红柿,农场几分钟前刚收来的鸡蛋等午餐,就连炖鸡用的炖菜也取自白宫菜园。 奥巴马夫人身着得体的印花裙对第一夫人们发表演讲,强调了孩子们直接获取食物知识的重要性。 当天,参与这个活动的还有当地两所学校的学生,他们帮助收鸡蛋和摘菜,一起准备午宴。 奥巴马夫人说:“很多孩子从不知道番茄酱是番茄做的,炸薯条是土豆做的,因为他们没有接触过这些食物。” 她还说,女儿萨莎是在学校的烹饪课上学会自己制作奶酪香蒜味西红柿三明治之后才开始吃西红柿的。 当天的午宴是由蓝山餐馆顶级大厨兼合伙人丹•巴伯、以及专程乘飞机前往的三名白宫主厨克里斯塔纳•康纳福、比尔•约西斯和积极响应第一夫人反肥胖倡议的山姆•卡斯一同准备的。 众人用餐之际,纽约朱丽亚音乐学院的弦乐四重奏乐团还演奏了小夜曲。 餐末,众人还享用了红衣杏仁和白宫的蜜汁冰糕等健康甜点。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 实习生 秦华江 编辑 Julie)
Vocabulary: premises: a piece of land together with its buildings, esp considered as a place of business(处所,营业场所) ratatouille: 炖菜 |