做一只墙上的苍蝇(a fly on the wall)
[ 2009-04-07 17:29 ]
我们都知道有一句话说“当局者迷,旁观者清”。有很多时候,置身事外去看一件事情得出的结论很有可能跟深陷其中时想的完全不同。所以,西方人有时候会提倡做一只停在墙上的苍蝇(a fly on the wall),不动声色地观察周围的一切,我们才有可能看到真相。
A fly on the wall alludes to the position of being able to freely observe a situation without being oneself noticed. It is now most often used in relation to 'fly on the wall documentaries', which are films of real life situations supposedly made without affecting the behaviour of the participants.
人们会用fly on the wall这个表达来形容“置身事外的观察者”,大概是因为悄无声息地停在墙面上的苍蝇在被人发现或消灭之前就是一个很冷静的旁观者吧,这样的比喻还是很形象的哦。
In this case, it is wise to be a fly on the wall.
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(英语点津 Helen 编辑)