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[ 2007-02-25 14:49 ]

Rosslyn Chapel has been a place where people have sought to find secrets for hundreds of years amid the strange engravings and mystic symbols that cover almost every archway with numeric precision. People gather in droves looking for inspiration amid the stone and stained glass windows.

For hundreds of years people have waited in this chapel expectantly but up until the Da Vinci Code became a blockbuster hit in screens around the world nothing had been revealed.

Now the film has shone a spotlight on the chapel and flocks gather waiting again. Will the weight of expectation produce anything to remark upon or will the masses be disappointed once again when nothing fails to materialise? Do you have an opinion on the religious significance of the chapel or an opinion on what drives people to flock to symbols in this way?

Rosslyn hit by Grail diggers

FANS of The Da Vinci Code have been trying to dig their way into Rosslyn Chapel's ancient vaults to find the Holy Grail.

Visitor numbers at the Midlothian church have soared by 72 per cent since 2004 on the back of the success of Dan Brown's novel, which draws on theories linking the chapel with the holy relic.

A film version of The Da Vinci Code was released last week and quickly rocketed to the top of cinema listings nationwide.

Iain Grimstone, Rosslyn's visitor services manager, told visitors to the church recently: "We have had them inside the chapel trying to get into the vaults.

"There are people who think the Holy Grail is hidden underneath Rosslyn."

He added: "We've also caught them trying to dig their way in from outside."

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