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The devil wears Prada 《时尚女魔头》(精讲之二)
[ 2007-03-07 20:53 ]

影片对白  Andy, be serious. You are not trying. You are whining. What is it that you want me to say to you, huh?

文化面面观  伟大的时装设计师:Oscar de la Renta, Yves Saint Laurent, Halston, Karl Lagerfeld, Christian Lacroix

Christian Lacroix (1951-)

French fashion designer, born in Arles, France. He studied art history at Paul Valéry University, Montpellier, and museum studies at the Sorbonne, Paris, 1973-76.

Career: Freelance fashion sketcher, 1976-78; assistant at Hermés, Paris, 1978-80; assistant to Guy Paulin, 1980; designer/artistic director, Jean Patou, 1981-87; opened own couture and ready-to-wear house, 1987; established Christian Lacroix haute couture and salons in Paris, 1987; developed cruise collection, 1988; designed ready-to-wear collection for Genny SpA, 1988, followed by menswear collection and boutique; introduced seven accessory lines, from 1989; line of ties and hosiery, 1992; launched C'est la Vie! perfume, 1990; designed costumes for American Ballet Theater's Gaieté Parisienne, New York, 1988; "Bazar" collection, 1994; launched Jeans Lacroix, 1994; introduced Christian Lacroix collection of fine china, 1997; created jewelry line, 2000; debuted "Enfants de Christian Lacroix," children's line, 2001.

Awards: Dé d'Or award, 1986, 1988; Council of Fashion Designers of America award, 1987; Moliére award (for costumes for Phedre), 1995.


在这个片断中 Miranda 和 Nigel 对于时尚和杂志本身的评论可谓是影片中精彩的两个片段之一。这两段评论在原书中是没有的。Miranda 对 Andy身上穿的蓝色毛衫从质料到款式、来历的分析揭示了时尚界在引领大众衣着潮流方面的作用,告诉Andy“你身上穿的就是我推广出来的”,把一向自以为有个性、有品位、有思想的Andy打了个蒙。这一段评论也人们意识到那些看似离我们很远、高高在上的潮流尖端人物实际上对我们的生活有着多么大的影响。

Nigel对杂志和工作的评论对于所有初入职场的人来说都不啻于是当头一棒。对Andy来说,她只是想在这份顶尖的时尚杂志工作,并没有真正思考过工作到底应该是如何的。正如 Nigel 所说:You are not trying. You are whining. Andy并不是真心喜爱她的工作,她不认同这里的价值观,她甚至和朋友们取笑她的同事们,她也没有意识到这一行业意味着什么。这也是很多职场新人普遍的想法。新人们期望着老板能像学校里的老师或者爸爸妈妈那样、能够给与奖励、宽容错误。Wake up! 这是职场,不是象牙塔,不是可以随便撒娇的家。这里首要的事情就是工作。理解你的工作,认同你的工作,努力工作,才能做好工作。



1. 最后他终于从一堆东西中找到了他要的那封信。
2. 我知道得有人再去捡些木柴,但为什么挑上了我?
3. 琼打算住在学校里。

The devil wears Prada 《时尚女魔头》(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案

1. 公司威胁说谁罢工就解雇谁,那只不过是虚张声势罢了。
The company's threat to sack anyone who went on strike was just a bluff.

2. 大家各就各位。主编来了!
Everybody, gird your loins. The editor in chief is coming!

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