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[ 2007-05-09 14:50 ]

The Da Vinci Code trail beckons you to Roslin, just south of Edinburgh, an area of great significance in Scottish history. This astonishing city, steeped in history and tradition, has seen many great battles and was once an important stronghold for the Scottish border. Roslyn means 'point of the waterfall' in Scottish Gaelic according to some, or 'ancient knowledge down the line' according to others. Centuries of history changed its name into Roslin and is the home of Rosslyn Chapel -- not Roslyn Chapel -- and Rosslyn Castle.

Head to Rosslyn Chapel, symbolically located at the summit of Ross Hill, you’ll feel its magic as soon as you enter.Dating back over 500 years, the Chapel features Scotland’s finest examples of medieval stonework and has been described as a ‘Tapestry in Stone’. The Apprentice Pillar - of notable excellence - takes pride of place in the tiny chapel and holds mythical secrets of its own.

While Rosslyn Chapel is known for its historical and architectural merits, Roslin is even more famous for its cutting edge biological science. The Roslin institute is where Dolly the Sheep was born in 1996 marking a breakthrough in the science of cloning.

Previously popular mainly to tourists interested in architecture, history and religion, after being used in the Da Vinci Code as the setting for the novel's plot climax, Rosslyn Chapel has achieved worldwide fame and now attracts massive attention and visitor numbers. And all tourists come to Rosslyn for one thing, to find the Holy Grail as part of their Da Vinci Code tour.

跟随着小说《达芬奇密码》,我们来到这座在苏格兰历史上占据重要地位的小镇——罗斯林。它地处爱丁堡南面,是苏格兰边境上的战略要塞,历来为兵家所重视。在苏格兰盖尔语当中,一些人认为“罗斯林”有“瀑布当中的一点”的意思,但是另一些人则认为它有“从远古时代流传下来的知识”的意思。小镇上有著名的罗斯林教堂(Rosslyn Chapel)和罗斯林城堡(Rosslyn Castle)等等。

罗斯林教堂坐落在罗斯山(Ross Hill)山顶,是其标志性建筑。当你走进其中,就会感觉到它有一股奇特的魔力。500多年以来,罗斯林教堂一直是苏格兰中世纪石刻建筑中的瑰宝。惹了一身腥的“学徒之柱”(The Apprentice Pillar)就矗立在厅堂里,散发着一股神秘的气息。





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