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Bush's daughter, Jenna, engaged
[ 2007-08-20 10:04 ]

Is a White House wedding in the works?

Is a White House wedding in the works? Jenna Bush, one of President Bush's twin daughters, is engaged to be married to her longtime boyfriend, Henry Hager, the White House announced Thursday.

Asked if the two were getting married in the Rose Garden, Sally McDonough, press secretary for first lady Laura Bush, replied: "They have not set any details, date or place."

Jenna Bush, 25, and Hager, 29, were engaged Wednesday in Maine, she said.

The two have been dating for several years, and Hager is often seen at Jenna Bush's side at Bush family functions and formal events, such as a White House dinner in November 2005 in honor of Britain's Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla.

Hager will be returning to school this fall to complete his master's degree in business administration at the University of Virginia.

Hager, who has been a White House aide and worked on Bush's re-election campaign, is the son of John and Maggie Hager of Richmond, Va. His father is chairman of the Republican Party in Virginia, former assistant secretary of the Education Department's office of special education and former lieutenant governor of Virginia.

After earning a degree in English in 2004 from the University of Texas, Jenna Bush spent a year and a half teaching at a public elementary school in the Washington area. After that, she worked for 10 months in Latin America as an intern for UNICEF.

She spent this summer traveling to Africa with her mother, first lady Laura Bush. She and her mother, also a schoolteacher, are collaborating on a children's picture storybook to be published in spring 2008. Proceeds are to be donated to two education programs: Teach for America and The New Teacher Project.

Jenna Bush also has her own book coming out Sept. 28. "Ana's Story," based on her time working for UNICEF, tells of a 17-year-old single mother who is HIV positive. Some of the book proceeds will go to UNICEF.















in the works : 计划中

function :此处指“重大聚会”

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