[ 2011-03-01 17:33 ]

Movie: 3D
3D电影 3D film
"For the midnight premiere, we were at 90 percent capacity for the 3D version and 100 percent for the IMAX 3D," she said, adding that the tickets for the IMAX 3D screening sold out two days prior to opening.
她(某影院负责人)说:“零点首映场的3D版上座率高达90%,IMAX 3D版的上座率则高达100%。”她还补充称,在首映前两天,IMAX 3D版电影票就已全部售罄。
4D电影 4D film
4D film (sometimes written 4-D film) is a marketing term that describes an entertainment presentation system combining a 3D film with physical effects in the theatre, which occur in synchronization with the film.
环幕电影 circular-screen movie
Eight projectors inside and outside of the pavilion will create a 360-degree audio-visual effect. Images showing the landscape and people of Iceland will be projected onto the walls. The pavilion will also show a circular-screen movie.
全景电影 cinerama/cinepanoramic
Cinerama is the trademarked name for a widescreen process which works by simultaneously projecting images from three synchronized 35 mm projectors onto a huge, deeply-curved screen, subtending 146° of arc.
Related readings:
什么是IMAX 3D电影
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(中国日报网英语点津 Julie)