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政府改革 government reform
房价调控 housing prices control
司法公正 judicial justice
征信 credit investigation
收入分配 income distribution
贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor (wealth gap)
医疗改革 medical reform
养老保险 pension insurance system
“刑诉法”修正案 draft amendment to the criminal procedural law
小微企业 small and micro businesses
可入肺颗粒物 PM2.5 particulate matter
空气监测设备 air monitoring equipment
食品安全 food safety
性别失衡 sexual imbalance
环保彩票 environmental lottery
抗生素滥用 overuse of antibiotics
信息安全法 information security law
器官捐赠体系 organ donation system
“三公”经费 the three official consumptions
退休年龄 retirement age
全国人大常委会 Standing Committee of NPC
(中国日报网英语点津 Rosy 编辑)
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