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要记住: “在工作上,要向积极性最高的同志看齐,在生活上,要向水平最低的同志看齐。”
June 5th, 1960
“Remember always, at work the comrade with the most ambition is the one you regard as your equal but in life you should regard the comrade who has the lowest living standard.”
Translated by Leif Rogers
A US citizen and a foreign customer manager of Jinzhou Commercial Bank
Excerpts from Lei Feng’s Diary《雷锋日记》节选之四
Excerpts from Lei Feng’s Diary《雷锋日记》节选之三
Excerpts from Lei Feng’s Diary《雷锋日记》节选之二
Excerpts from Lei Feng’s Diary《雷锋日记》节选之一
(中国日报网英语点津 编辑:Julie)
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