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A Lloyds ATM in the UK has been dispensing double the amount of money requested. |
POLICE were called to restore order after a bank ATM in eastern England started dispensing twice the money its customers were asking for. The Lloyds TSB cash machine in the town of Ipswich began dispensing "free money" to customers on Wednesday after the bank branch had closed for the evening. As word spread of the glitch, a crowd began to gather, prompting arguments among those trying to use the machine. Police were called in to keep watch until the bank's staff could take it out of service. A Lloyds spokesman said the machine had been "misdispensing" cash for only a short time. "We apologise for any inconvenience caused," the spokesman added. Some 30 people are thought to have benefited from the glitch. It is not clear how much money the bank lost, or if it will be able to recover the funds. Emma Hutchinson, from Ipswich, told the Ipswich Star: "Word got around pretty quickly. My friend asked for 40 pounds and the machine gave out 80 pounds." Lloyds Banking Group, which sought a massive bailout from the British government during the financial crisis, said that it had cut interim net losses to 676 million pounds ($1.02 billion) on the back of restructuring measures. One Twitter user, @FizzySparkler, commented: "Nice to see one bank is giving back." (Read by Rosie Tuck. Rosie Tuck is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
英格兰东部一家银行的自动取款机给储户“送钱”,储户取多少钱,取款机就吐出双倍的钱。故障发生后,警察被召来维持秩序。 这台提款机属于伊普斯威奇小镇的劳埃德信托储蓄银行,该银行支行周三晚关门后,提款机就开始向储户“送钱”。 故障的消息传开后,越来越多的人蜂拥而至,试图从提款机取钱的人还为此发生了争吵。 警察被召来维护现场秩序,直到银行工作人员让该提款机停止服务。 劳埃德银行发言人称该取款机“误送”现钞只持续了很短时间。 该发言人还说:“我们对此引起的任何不便表示抱歉。” 据认为约有30人因自动取款机“取一送一”获利。但银行损失了多少钱,能回收多少目前尚不清楚。 伊普斯威奇镇的艾玛•哈钦森告诉《伊普斯威奇星报》说:“消息传得很快。我朋友要取40镑,取款机就给了80镑。” 劳埃德银行集团在金融危机期间曾向英国政府寻求巨额财政援助,该集团称其在实施重组措施后,已将中期净亏损额减至6.76亿英镑(合10.2亿美元)。 推特用户@FizzySparkler评论道:“能看见一家银行把钱吐回来真是件高兴事儿。” 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑:Julie) |
Vocabulary: glitch: 故障;差错 bailout: 紧急(财政)援助 |
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